The tabloids in turn have been divided into themore sensationalist mass market titles, or "red tops", such as The Sun and The Mirror, and the middle-market papers, The Daily Express and The Daily Mail. Both The Independent and The Times have changed in recent years to a compact format, not much bigger than that used by the tabloids. The Guardian moved in September 2005 to what is described as a "Berliner" format, slightly larger than a compact. Its Sunday stablemate The Observer has since followed suit. Other Sunday broadsheets, including The Sunday Times, which tend to have a large amount of supplementary sections, have kept their larger sized format. The national Sunday titles usually have a different layout and style to their weekly sister papers, and are produced by separate journalistic and editorial staff. All the major UK newspapers currently have websites, some of which provide free access. The Times and The Sunday Times have a paywall requiring payment on a per-day or per-month basis for non-subscribers. The Financial Times business daily also has limited access for non-subscribers. Переведите Без переводчика)

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