The Profession of a Nursery School Instructor Almost all of us went to some pre-school institution in our childhood. It’s where the first age of education begins for children. In the day nurseries children learn the ABCs of reading, writing and counting. Children are divided into three age groups: 3- 5-year-olds, 5-6-year-olds and 6-year-olds. In the form of games, the children learn not only to read, write and count, but also to draw and paint, design simple things, sing and dance. That’s why a nursery school instructor is not only an educator but a primary teacher with a nursery teaching qualification. There is a special department at our college where nursery school instructors are trained. The instructor works six hours a day. Usually the working day begins rather early. Every instructor meets children of her group. When everybody arrives, the daily programme starts: first come morning exercises, then breakfast and after that children have their classes. There is one day when a special teacher comes - this is for music classes. Classes do not last more than half an hour because children are soon tired and want to get on to other things. So the instructor takes them out-of-doors for two or three hours if the weather is fine. They run about as much as they like and return to kindergarten with rosy cheeks and good appetite. After lunch there is a rest period. After rest children listen to a story or a fairy tale, read by the instructor. Then they go into a courtyard again, where they are collected by their parents. Instructors of all nursery schools hold conferences to discuss the problems of their work. To be a good instructor one needs to know the children’s physiology and psychology, to study their behavior carefully, and probably to make notes of his or her tastes and habits. In this case you will be able to answer all questions of the young mothers and share your experiment. This helps in observing particular children and monitoring their development. Besides, you should read special literature and have close contacts with the children’s parents who play a key role in educating nursery-age children. Children of nursery age need care as well as education. So you should be very kind and patient with your pupils. Составить план текста и 10 вопросов по нему

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Demirline Demirline  09.11.2020 22:30

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