The Passive
Задание 1
Rewrite the sentence in the Passive:
They repaired my computer in two hours.

Задание 2
Choose the correct answer.
1. The rooms every day.
2. I my keys!
3. Martha a good progress.
4. The bag in a black cab.
5. Your salads right now.

1) 1. are cleaned 2. have been lost 3. is making 4. found 5. is being prepared
2) 1. clean 2. have lost 3. is being making 4. was found 5. are prepared
3) 1. are cleaned 2. have lost 3. is making 4. was found 5. are being prepared

Задание 3
Make up the sentence.
Укажите порядок следования всех 8 вариантов ответа:
__ .
__ T-shirt
__ washed
__ at
__ 30 ֯C
__ should
__ be
__ this

Задание 4
Match the Active sentences to the Passive ones.

1) The email is being sent.
2) The email was being sent.
3) The email has been sent.
4) The emails are sent.
5) The email was sent.
6) The email had been sent.
__ She sent an email.
__ She has sent an email.
__ She was sending an email.
__ She is sending an email.
__ She sends emails.
__ She had sent an email.
Задание 5
Choose the correct sentence.

1) The new sofa will delivered by the delivery men.
2) The new sofa will be delivered by the delivery men.
3) The new sofa will be delivered with the delivery men.

Задание 6
Write passive sentence in the tense given:
One of these games / sell / every minute. (present simple)

Задание 7
Choose the correct sentences in the passive.

1) All the students were given the tasks by the teacher.
2) All the students gave the tasks to the teacher.
3) The teacher was given the tasks to all the students.
4) The tasks were given to all the students by the teacher.

Задание 8
Rewrite the sentence in the Active:
The last World Cup Final was watched by millions of people.

Задание 9
Find a mistake in one of the underlined words.
The teacher has been given him a lot of homework for the weekend.
1 2 3

1) 3
2) 2
3) 1

Задание 10
Complete with by or with and choose the proper answer.
1. The treasure was found two local fishermen.
2. The menu has been prepared a famous chef.
3. The jam is made strawberries from our garden.
4. The table will be covered a white cloth.
5. All the books were put into boxes the students.

1) 1. with 2. by 3. by 4. with 5. by
2) 1. by 2. by 3. with 4. with 5. by
3) 1. by 2. by 3. by 4. with 5. with
The Causative
Задание 1
Complete the sentences.

1) are having ... built
2) will have ... decorated
3) have ... tested
4) have ... cleaned
5) had ... dyed

__ Molly the room next month.
__ We the office every evening.
__ She her hair blonde yesterday
__ You should your eyes regularly.
__ Our neighbors a new garage at the moment.

Задание 2
Complete the sentences.

1) cut
2) pierced
3) repaired
4) dyed
5) altered
6) made
7) whitened

__ He’s had old glasses
__ He’s had his nose
__ He’s had his hair
__ He’s had an ear
__ He’s had a new suit
__ He’s had a beard
__ He’s had his teeth
Задание 3
Make up the sentences. Укажите порядок следования всех 8 вариантов ответа:
__ dentist __ the __ once __ a year. __ have __ check __ my teeth
__ I

Задание 4
Complete the sentences.

1) make
2) got
3) lets
4) have

__ She doesn’t her hair dyed.
__ She me borrow her clothes.
__ Sad movies always me cry.
__ I my daughter to eat the whole breakfast.

Задание 5
Make up the sentence.
Укажите порядок следования всех 6 вариантов ответа:
__ nails __ painted. __ is __ having __ She __ her

Задание 6
Make up the question and write the sentence. (Don't forget to put ? at the end of the question!)
You have your car serviced regularly.

Задание 7
Match the tenses and the examples.

1) We have the office cleaned
2) We had the office cleaned
3) We will have the office cleaned
4) We are having the office cleaned
5) We were having the office cleaned
6) We will be having the office cleaned
7) We have had the office cleaned
8) We had had the office cleaned
9) We will have had the office cleaned.
10) We have been having the office cleaned.
__ Future Continuous
__ Past Perfect
__ Present Perfect
__ Past Continuous
__ Future Perfect
__ Present Continuous
__ Future Simple
__ Past Simple
__ Present Simple
__ Present Perfect Continuous

Задание 8
Make up the sentence. Укажите порядок следования всех 7 вариантов ответа:
__ got __ delivered __ on __ parcels __ time. __ We __ the

haritonukaleksa haritonukaleksa    2   08.04.2020 14:18    383

gallagher44 gallagher44  20.12.2023 21:28
Задание 1:
Оригинальное предложение: They repaired my computer in two hours.
Пассивное предложение: My computer was repaired in two hours.
Обоснование: В этом предложении подлежащее "my computer" становится объектом действия, поэтому мы переставляем его в начало предложения и добавляем вспомогательный глагол "was" и партицип прошедшего времени "repaired".

Задание 2:
Выберите правильный ответ:
1) The rooms are cleaned every day.
2) My keys have been lost.
3) Martha is making a good progress.
4) The bag was found in a black cab.
5) Your salads are being prepared right now.
Обоснование: Для всех предложений нам нужно использовать пассивный залог, так как подлежащее является объектом действия. В пассивном залоге мы используем вспомогательные глаголы "to be" в нужной форме и партицип прошедшего времени глагола. Все верные ответы представлены в первой группе.

Задание 3:
Составьте предложение в нужном порядке:
1. This T-shirt should be washed at 30°C.
Обоснование: Первым должно идти местоимение "This", затем определение "T-shirt", далее глагол "should be washed", а после него указание на условия "at 30°C".

Задание 4:
Соотнесите активные предложения с пассивными:
1. She sent an email. - The email was sent by her.
2. She has sent an email. - The email has been sent by her.
3. She was sending an email. - The email was being sent by her.
4. She is sending an email. - The email is being sent by her.
5. She sends emails. - The emails are sent by her.
6. She had sent an email. - The email had been sent by her.
Обоснование: В пассивном залоге подлежащее активного предложения становится агентом пассивного предложения, а объект действия становится существительным в пассивном предложении.

Задание 5:
Выберите правильное предложение:
1) The new sofa will be delivered by the delivery men.
Обоснование: В данном случае мы используем пассивный залог, так как подлежащее "the new sofa" является объектом действия, а будет доставлять его "the delivery men". Правильный ответ - второй вариант.

Задание 6:
Напишите предложение в пассивном залоге в заданном времени:
One of these games is sold every minute.
Обоснование: В этом предложении мы используем настоящее простое время (present simple), поэтому добавляем вспомогательный глагол "is" и партицип прошедшего времени глагола "sold".

Задание 7:
Выберите правильные предложения в пассивном залоге:
1) All the students were given the tasks by the teacher.
4) The tasks were given to all the students by the teacher.
Обоснование: В этих предложениях подлежащее "the tasks" является объектом действия, а действующее лицо (subject) - "the teacher", становится агентом пассивного предложения. Правильные ответы - первый и четвертый варианты.

Задание 8:
Перепишите предложение в активном залоге:
Millions of people watched the last World Cup Final.
Обоснование: В активном залоге подлежащее "millions of people" выполняет действие, а объектом этого действия является "the last World Cup Final". Переписываем предложение, чтобы сделать подлежащее активным действующим лицом.

Задание 9:
Найдите ошибку в подчеркнутых словах:
1) 3
Обоснование: Вместо "given" должно быть "given him".

Задание 10:
Заполните предложения предлогами "by" или "with" и выберите правильный ответ:
1. The treasure was found by two local fishermen.
2. The menu has been prepared by a famous chef.
3. The jam is made with strawberries from our garden.
4. The table will be covered with a white cloth.
5. All the books were put into boxes by the students.
3) 1. by 2. by 3. by 4. with 5. by
Обоснование: В этих предложениях используются предлоги "by" или "with" для указания на источник или инструмент, который используется для выполнения действия. Правильные ответы представлены в третьей группе.

Теперь, как школьный учитель, я бы объяснил каждое задание по очереди, привел бы примеры и обсуждал бы правильные ответы с учениками, чтобы убедиться, что они понимают материал и умеют его применять.
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