The nerve centre of a PC is the central processing unit or CPU. This unit is built into a single microprocessor chip - an integrated circuit - which executes program instructions and supervises the computer's overall operation. The unit consists of three main parts: 1)the control unit, which examines the instructions in the user's program, interprets each instruction and causes the circuits and the rest of the components - disk drives, monitor, etc. - to be activated to execute the functions specified;
2)the arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs mathematical calculations (+, -, etc. ) and logical operations (and; or, etc.); 3)the registers, which are high-speed units of memory used to store and control information, One of these registers is the program counter (PC) which keeps track of the next instruction to be performed in the main memory. Another is the instruction register (IR) which holds the instruction that is currently being executed.
One area where microprocessors differ is in the amount of data - the number of bits - they can work with at a time. There are 16, 32 and 64 bit processors. The computer's internal architecture is evolving so quickly that the new 64 bit processors are able to address 4 billion times more information than a 32 bit system. The programs and data which pass through the central processor must be loaded into the main memory (also called the internal memory) in order to be processed. Thus, when the user runs an application, the microprocessor looks for it on secondary storage devices (disks) and transfers a copy of the application into the RAM area. RAM (random access memory) is temporary, i. e. its information is lost when the computer is turned off. The amount of RAM determines the number of programs you can run simultaneously and how fast they operate. It can be expanded by adding extra RAM chips. However, the ROM section (read only memory) is permanent and contains instructions needed by the processor; the BIOS (basic input/output system) uses ROM to control communication with peripherals, e. g. disk drives.
The main circuit board is known as the mother-board. This contains the CPU, the memory chips, expansion slots and controllers for peripherals, connected by internal busses, or paths, that carry electronic signals, For example, the front side bus carries all data that passes from the CPU to other devices.
Most of today's computers have internal expansion slots that allow users to install 45 adapters or expansion boards.
Popular adapters include high resolution graphics boards, memory expansion boards, and internal modems.
The power and performance of a computer is partly determined by the speed of its microprocessor. A clock provides pulses at fixed intervals to measure and synchronize circuits and units. The clack speed is measured in MHz (megahertz) or GHz (gigahertz) and refers to the frequency at which pulses are emitted. For example, a CPU running at 1,600 MHz (1,500 million cycles per second) will enable the computer to handle the most demanding applications.

Ex. 1. Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F), and rewrite the false ones to mnke them true.

1.The CPU directs and coordinates the activities taking place within the computer system.

2. The arithmetic logic unit performs calculations on the data.

3. 32-bit processors can handle mare information than 64-bit processors.

4. A chip is an electronic device composed of silicon elements containing a set of integrated circuits.

5. RAM, ROM and secondary storage are the components of the main memory,

6, information cannot be processed by the microprocessor ifit is not loaded into the main memory.

7. "Permanent' storage of information is provided by RAM (random access memory)

8. The speed of the microprocessor is measured in gigahertz or megahertz. One GHz is equivalent to one thousand MHz One MHz is equivalent to one million cycles per second.

Ex. 3. Complete the sentences below with suitable relative pronouns, Give alternative options if possible.
1. That's the CPU … I'd like to buy
2. A co-processor is an extra processor chip … does calculations at high speed
3. The nicropnocessor coordinates the activities … take place in the computer system.
4, Last night I met someone … works for 3M as a computer programmer.
5. A palmtop is a computer … is small enough to be held in the palm of one hand,
6, A negahertz is a unit of frequency … is used to measure processor speed
7 Here sthe DVD … you lent mel

alexxxxarchenko alexxxxarchenko    3   02.05.2022 15:23    21

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