The mystery of the Sphinx One of the world's most studied monuments is the
Sphinx, which is 1)--. close to the Great Pyramid,
sixteen kilometers from Cairo in Egypt. Carved in
ancient times out of a 2) piece of limestone
over sixty metres long and twenty metres high, it
weighs hundreds of tons. This extraordinary
monument consists 3) of the head of a man
and the body of a crouching lion, a combination which suggests strength and wisdom. Over
the years, some of its facial 4) have sustained damage.
The smile, which some people describe mysterious, is in
fact the result of erosion rather than design, and the nose,
which has 5) since been broken away, was probably
the unfortunate victim of invading soldiers' target practice.
At one time there was a serpent on its forehead and a
royal beard, a fragment of which exists in a museum.
But who built this monument which, unlike most of the
others guarding 6) places, is not part of a pair but 7)
alone? Most Egyptologists agree that it was built by
Pharaoh Khafre 5,000 years ago. However, some recent
commentators have 8) that it belonged to a much older civilization, which disappeared
in a legendary flood that is 9) ... to have destroyed everything in the world over 7,000
years ago. They have tried to 10) that the weathering of the Sphinx was 11) by
water rather than wind and sand, and one has even suggested that it might have been
built on a much older site about 12,500 years ago. Whatever its 12) there is no
doubt that to the Egyptians, the Sphinx represents the very 13) of their country's
magnificent culture.
1. A)put
8. Auttered
C)brought about
D) points
D) brought along
5. Allate
12. A)births
D) set
D)thought up
2. A) single
9. A)caused
6. A)considerable
3. Albarely
7. A)stands
4. A)features
11. A)brought down

The mystery of the Sphinx One of the world's most studied monuments is theSphinx, which is 1)--. clo

НяшаНика НяшаНика    2   10.02.2021 07:21    98

romkastolz romkastolz  25.01.2024 21:09
The mystery of the Sphinx

One of the world's most studied monuments is the Sphinx, which is located close to the Great Pyramid, sixteen kilometers from Cairo in Egypt. Carved in ancient times out of a single piece of limestone over sixty meters long and twenty meters high, it weighs hundreds of tons. This extraordinary monument consists of the head of a man and the body of a crouching lion, a combination which suggests strength and wisdom. Over the years, some of its facial features have sustained damage. The smile, which some people describe as mysterious, is in fact the result of erosion rather than design, and the nose, which has long since been broken away, was probably the unfortunate victim of invading soldiers' target practice. At one time, there was a serpent on its forehead and a royal beard, a fragment of which exists in a museum.

But who built this monument which, unlike most of the others guarding ancient places, is not part of a pair but stands alone? Most Egyptologists agree that it was built by Pharaoh Khafre 5,000 years ago. However, some recent commentators have speculated that it belonged to a much older civilization, which disappeared in a legendary flood that is thought to have destroyed everything in the world over 7,000 years ago. They have tried to demonstrate that the weathering of the Sphinx was caused by water rather than wind and sand, and one has even suggested that it might have been built on a much older site about 12,500 years ago. Whatever its origins, there is no doubt that to the Egyptians, the Sphinx represents the very essence of their country's magnificent culture.

Now, let's go through each question step by step:

1. The missing word in this sentence is "located." The Sphinx is located close to the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

2. The missing word in this sentence is "single." The Sphinx is carved out of a single piece of limestone.

3. The missing word in this sentence is "barely." The Sphinx is a significant monument.

4. The missing word in this sentence is "features." The Sphinx's facial features have sustained damage over the years.

5. The missing word in this sentence is "long." The nose of the Sphinx has long since been broken away.

6. The missing word in this sentence is "considerable." The Sphinx is a considerable monument that stands alone.

7. The missing word in this sentence is "individually." The Sphinx stands alone and is not part of a pair like most other ancient monuments.

8. The missing word in this sentence is "speculated." Some recent commentators have speculated that the Sphinx belonged to a much older civilization.

9. The missing word in this sentence is "thought." There is a legendary flood that is thought to have destroyed everything in the world over 7,000 years ago.

10. The missing word in this sentence is "demonstrate." Some commentators have tried to demonstrate that the weathering of the Sphinx was caused by water rather than wind and sand.

11. The missing word in this sentence is "brought about." The Sphinx's weathering was brought about by water erosion.

12. The missing word in this sentence is "origins." Whatever its origins, the Sphinx holds great significance.

13. The missing word in this sentence is "essence." To the Egyptians, the Sphinx represents the very essence of their country's culture.

I hope this detailed explanation helps you understand the passage better!
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