The house ... not clean. The sink ... broken. There dirty dishes on the kitchen table and in the sink. There ... nothing in the fridge. There ... no vegetables for dinner, there ... no juice for her children. There ... not even bread in the house! She ... tired and hungry. She just exhausted.
The house was (house -- единственное число) not clean. The sink (sink -- единственное число) was broken. There were (dishes -- множественное число)
dirty dishes on the kitchen table and in the sink.
There was (nothing -- единственное число) nothing in the fridge. There were (vegetables -- множестенное число) no vegetables
for dinner, there was (juice -- неисчислямое) no juice for her children. There was not (bread -- неисчисляемое) even bread in the house! She was (с she успотребляем was) tired and hungry.
The house was (house -- единственное число) not clean. The sink (sink -- единственное число) was broken. There were (dishes -- множественное число)
dirty dishes on the kitchen table and in the sink.
There was (nothing -- единственное число) nothing in the fridge. There were (vegetables -- множестенное число) no vegetables
for dinner, there was (juice -- неисчислямое) no juice for her children. There was not (bread -- неисчисляемое) even bread in the house! She was (с she успотребляем was) tired and hungry.
She was (с she успотребляем was) just exhausted.