 The Earthquake [Complete the sentences] 1. The earthquake hit Japan on …………………… .
2. It registered a magnitude of ……………………. .
3. That makes it the most powerful quake to hit Japan in at least ……………………. years.
4. There were reports over the weekend that the quake moved the main island of Japan by ………… feet.
5. Scientists in Japan say that there's a strong chance of another quake, one with a magnitude of ………… or higher, hitting in the next few days.
 The Tsunami [Answer the questions]
6. Which part of the country was most affected by the tsunami?
7. What is a tsunami? (according to the program)
8. How fast can a tsunami travel?
9. How far away did the tsunami travel before it reached the California coast?
10. What effect did the tsunami have on the boats at Santa Cruz, California?
 The Prime Minister’s statement
11. What expression did Japan’s Prime Minister use to describe the impact of this earthquake?
12. How is the government planning to save electricity until the power plants are repaired?
13. According to the Prime Minister, what is Japan’s main goal right now?
 The Fukushima nuclear plant
14. What is nuclear fission?
15. How many reactors were running in the nuclear plant when the quake hit?
16. What caused the failure of the back-up generators (according to experts)?
17. What could happen if too much radiation gets out of the reactor?
 The world is coming to Japan’s aid
18. How many countries have offered to help?
19. Name three international aid groups which are also getting involved.

данил2060 данил2060    3   28.09.2021 02:14    24

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