Text a at the customs house the moment a traveller crosses the border their luggage is taken to the customs-houseby porters. every country has its own customs regulations, which stipulate what articles are liable to duty and what areduty-free. sometimes an article which falls under customs restrictions and is liable to duty is allowed in duty-freeif the traveller does not exceed a certain fixed quota. these are listed in aduty-freequota list. customs restrictions also include a prohibited articles list. this is a list of items which may not be brought into a country or taken out of it. an official paper (from the proper authorities) giving permission to take items, which fall under special customs restrictions, in or out of a country is known as an import or export license. if the traveller has any item which comes under customs restrictions he is asked to declare it. that is, he is asked to name the item, stating its value and other particulars. the declaration is made either orally or in writing on a special form. the practice seems to vary in different countries. upon payment of duty the traveller is given a receipt. as a rule personal effects are duty-free. it sometimes happens that a passenger’s luggage is carefully gone through in order to prevent smuggling. the formalities at the customs-houseusually take some time. only after passing through the customs does one realize that their journey is drawing to an end (or beginning, as the case might be). (1200 symbols) 1.2.1answer the following questions: 1)what are the duties of a customs inspector? 2)what is the meaning of the question ”have you anything to declare” one hears at the customs-houseso often? 3)what is the phrase “ i have nothing to declare” mean? 4)do customs restrictions vary in different countries? 5)have you ever gone through a customs inspection? if so relate your experience. 6)what is a duty-freeitem? 7)what do we mean by saying that something is an item liable to duty? 8)why is smuggling punishable by law? 9)what does the customs inspected stamp stand for? 10)can you name some of the ‘personal effects” one usually takes along on a journey?

LizaSchoolTwo LizaSchoolTwo    2   06.08.2019 09:50    23

nagor1904 nagor1904  04.10.2020 00:52

На таможне

В тот момент, когда путешественник пересекает границу, его багаж отправляется носильщиками в таможню. Каждая страна имеет свои собственные таможенные правила, которые предусматривают, какие предметы подлежат обложению пошлиной, а какие - нет.

Иногда предмет, который подпадает под таможенные ограничения и подлежит обложению пошлиной, пропускается беспошлинно, если путешественник не превышает определенной фиксированной квоты. Такие предметы перечислены в списке квот, не облагаемых пошлиной. Таможенные ограничения также включают список запрещенных товаров. Это список предметов, которые не могут быть привезены в страну или вывезены из нее. Официальный документ (от соответствующих органов), дающий разрешение на провоз предметов, подпадающих под специальные таможенные ограничения, в страну или из нее, известен как лицензия на импорт или экспорт.

Если у путешественника есть предмет, который подпадает под таможенные ограничения, его просят объявить его. То есть, его просят назвать предмет, указав его стоимость и другие данные. Заявление делается в устной или письменной форме в специальной декларации. Практика отличается в разных странах. При уплате пошлины путешественнику предоставляется квитанция. Как правило, личные вещи не облагаются пошлиной.

Иногда бывает, что багаж пассажира тщательно осматривается, чтобы предотвратить контрабанду. Формальности в таможне обычно занимают некоторое время. Только после прохождения таможни люди понимают, что их путешествие заканчивается (или начинается, в зависимости от обстоятельств).


1) What are the duties of a customs inspector?

Inspecting travelers and commercial transport, enforcing trade regulations and working with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies.

2) What is the meaning of the question "Have you anything to declare" one hears at the customs-house so often?

It means "Do you have to acknowledge possession of taxable income or dutiable goods?".

3) What does the phrase "I have nothing to declare" mean?

" I don’t have to acknowledge possession of taxable income or dutiable goods".

4) Do customs restrictions vary in different countries?

Yes, they do.

5) Have you ever gone through a customs inspection? If so relate your experience.

Yes, I have gone through a customs inspection a few times, but I had nothing to declare.

6) What is a duty-free item?

These are goods that are exempt from payment of duty.

7) What do we mean by saying that something is an item liable to duty?

These are goods that you have to declare when crossing the border .

8) Why is smuggling punishable by law?

It is illegal transportation of objects or people across an international border, in violation of applicable laws.

9) What does the Customs Inspected stamp stand for?

It is a stamp used by the customs officer for proving the goods are not liable to duty.

10) Can you name some of the "personal effects" one usually takes along

on a journey?

Clothes, shoes, toilet articles, personal jewellery, books, phones, laptops.

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