Text 3 1. Many people believe that answering newspaper want ads is the best method to use.
2. Job advertisements are found in the classified advertising section of newspapers.
3. Want ads are also found in professional journals.
4. There are two main types of want ads: "Help wanted" and "Jobs wanted". You should read the want ads for two reasons: first, to learn more general information about jobs that are available; second, to learn specific information about a particular job that is of interest to you.
5. The ad may tell the education and work experience that are required for the job, the location of the job, the working hours, and the pay.
6. It also tells you how to apply for the particular job.
7. Avoid ads that make unrealistic offers.
8. If an ad suggests that you will make a lot of money quickly and
easily, do not apply for that job.

5. Find in the text above the English equivalents of the following words
and word combinations.
Объявление; подходящая работа; профессиональные журналы; объявления о приеме на работу; «требуются на работу»; «ищу рабо­ту»; профессиональный опыт; местонахождение фирмы; рабочий день; оплата; нереальные предложения; заработать много денег.

Snake505 Snake505    1   30.12.2021 17:10    517

irisha190784 irisha190784  18.01.2024 07:07
1. Advertisement (объявление) - This is a notice or message that is placed in a newspaper or other media to attract people's attention to something, such as a job opening.

2. Suitable job (подходящая работа) - This refers to a job position that matches your skills, qualifications, and interests.

3. Professional journals (профессиональные журналы) - These are specialized publications that focus on specific fields or industries and provide information and articles relevant to professionals in those areas.

4. Job advertisements (объявления о приеме на работу) - These are notices or announcements in newspapers or other media that inform people of job vacancies or openings.

5. "Help wanted" (требуются на работу) - This phrase is used in want ads to indicate that an employer is looking for employees to fill job positions.

6. "Jobs wanted" (ищу работу) - This phrase is used in want ads by individuals who are seeking employment and want to advertise their availability for job opportunities.

7. Work experience (профессиональный опыт) - This refers to the knowledge, skills, and abilities that an individual has gained through their previous employment or practical involvement in a particular field.

8. Location of the job (местонахождение фирмы) - This refers to the physical place or address where the job is based or where the company is located.

9. Working hours (рабочий день) - This refers to the specific hours during which an employee is expected to be present and perform their duties.

10. Pay (оплата) - This refers to the amount of money that an employee receives in exchange for their work or services.

11. Unrealistic offers (нереальные предложения) - These are job ads that make promises or claims that are unlikely or impossible to fulfill.

12. Earn a lot of money (заработать много денег) - This refers to the ability to make a large amount of money through a particular job or opportunity.
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