Tests The Noun ( Имя существительное)

Выберите правильный вариант:

1. The _ players were king, elephant, horse and others.

a. mans

b. mens

c. men

d. man

2. By the time of Henry VIII, who had six , chess became known in England.

a. wives

b. wifes

c. wife

d. wives’s

3. Jane doesn’t have ___ tonight.

a. many homeworks

b. many homework

c. much homework

d. much homeworks

4. Let me give you .

a. an advice

b. the advices

c. some advice

d. some advices

5. have been shot.

a. A wolf

b. The wolves

c. The wolfs

d. Wolves

6. These produce furniture.

a. factory

b. factorys

c. factories

d. factory’s

7. a. oxe-oxes

b. ox-oxs

c. ox-oxen

d. oxe-oxen

8. Do you like in the sitting room?

a. a furniture

b. a furnitures

c. the furniture

d. the furnitures

9. was brilliant blue.

a. Sky

b. The sky

c. A sky

d. The skies

10. too difficult for me.

a. Phisic is

b. Physics is

c. Phisic are

d. Phisics are

11. informed immediately.

a. A police is

b. Polices are

c. The policies

d. The police are

12. I like these dishes, but is a little small.

a. the cup of tea

b. the tea’s cup

c. the teacup

d. the cup for the tea

13. I bought ___ yesterday.

a. Two loafs of bread

b. two loaves of bread

c. two loafs of the bread

d. two loaves of the bread

14. Найти лишнее слово с учетом его лексического значения :

a. cat

b. mouse

c. rabbit

e. tail

e. dog

15. Найти слово, имеющее особую форму образования множественного числа:

a. bee

b. butterfly

c. ant

d. mouse

e. fly

16. Найти лишнее слово:

a. book

b. magazines

c. signs

d. wind

e. papers

17. Найти синонимы: Land

a. way

b. exit

c. ground

d. sun

e. sky

18. Найти синонимы: Present

a. gift

b. past

c. labour

d. time

e. work

19. Найти синонимы: Painting

a. work

b. picture

c. photo

d. art

e. talent

20. Подобрать слово с противоположным значением: Noise

a. wind

b. rain

c. silence

d. weather

e. water

21. . Подобрать слово с противоположным значением: Doctor

a. scientist

b. patient

c. surgeon

d. dentist

e. manager

22. Выбрать правильный вариант притяжательной формы:

a. the girl’s hat

b. Jacks’ friend

c. The childrens’ mother

d. The womens’ face

e. Helens’ flat

23. Elizabeth I could be followed by ___ family.

a. Margaret’s or Mary’s

b. Margarets or Mary’s

c. Margarets or Mary’s

d. Margaret or Mary’s

e. Margarets’ or Marys’

24. It’s the ___ toy.

a. of the boy’s

b. boies’

c. of the boy

d. boy’

e. boy’s

25. Найдите имя существительное

a. laugh

b. laughter

c. laughing

d. laughs

e. laughed

26. Найдите имя существительное

a. about

b. found

c. crowd

d. proud

27. Обобщающим для данной группы слов является:

a. car

b. lorry

c. bus

d. transport

e. van

28. Обобщающим для данной группы слов является:

a. rain

b. snow

c. weather

d. wind

e. storm

29. Найдите отглагольное существительное:

a. They started the reading of the book.

b. The started reading the book.

c. The girl reading the book is my sister

d. I am found of reading

e. Go on reading

30. Найдите отглагольное существительное:

a. These happenings are remarkable.

b. This book is worth reading

c. A broken cup lay on the table

d. Skating is pleasant

e. He insisted on my returning soon.

Choose the correct PRESENT TENSE form of the verb TO HAVE for each sentence:

pumpus pumpus    3   30.01.2021 19:27    37

daria151174 daria151174  01.03.2021 19:29


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