Тест выберите нужное причастие (participle i or participle ii) 1. the number of cars a passenger train is much less than that of a freight train. a. forming b. formed 2. refrigerator cars are used for transporting meat and other perishable goods. a. freezing b. frozen 3. in 1883, the orient express began service from paris to istanbul, six countries. a. crossing b. crossed 4. the first railway in russia steam traction was built in nizhni tagil. a. using b. used 5. the tgv duplex is a double-deck tilting train by sncf (the french national railway company). a. operating b. operated

Gromokon Gromokon    1   31.07.2019 01:30    9

toper55 toper55  28.09.2020 10:53
1 A forming 2 B frozen 3 A crossing 4  A using 5 B operated
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