Тест ВариантI.

I. Дайте правильный ответ. Passive Voice образуется:
1) вс глагол
a) be b) have c) do
2) форма глагола
a) Infinitive b) Participle I c) Participle II

II. Выберите сказуемое в Present Simple Passive:
1) The article ……
a) is translated b) are translated c) has translated
2) Lessons ……every day.
a) is given b) are given c) have given
3) The children …….after.
a) was looked b) is looked c) are looked

III. Выберите сказуемое в Present Continuous Passive:
1) The streets ……at the moment.
a) is decorated b) are being decorated c) has been decorated
2) Where’s the radio? It ……
a) is being repaired b) are repaired c) has been repaired
3) I can’t give you these articles. They …….now.
a) are being translated b) has translated c) is being translated

IV. Выберите сказуемое в Present Perfect Passive:
1) The ship-building industry …….since 1970
a) has been reduced b) have been reduced c) are reduced
2) The room …..yet
a) has not been cleaned b) is cleaned c) have been cleaned
3) The translation …..in time. Everyone was glad.
a) has done b) is done c) has been done

V. Поставьте предлог: a) in b) at c) on
1) The garden is …..the back of the house.
2) Write your name ……the back of this envelope.
3) The bus was full. There were too many people ….it.
4) Tom is ….work.

VI. Выберите номера предложений, стоящих в Passive:
1) Four people have been killed in a train crash.
2) A famous architect built the bridge.
3) I arrived last Friday.
4) Many accidents are caused by dangerous driving.
5) People don’t use this road very often

VII. Переведите предложения с инфинитивными оборотами;
1) He wants us to come earlier.
2) I saw him come into the house
3) Do you think him to be a good student?
4) He is said to be a good actor.
5) He is sure to come soon.

Wector11211 Wector11211    3   19.05.2021 07:18    5

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