тест: TEST №4. Variant 1.

Task 1. Choose the most appropriate answer.

In the 1950s young women and girls enjoyed wearing skirts.

puffy b) flares c) bags

The ethnic style into fashion together with hippies.

got b) came c) went

Clothes were often with embroidery.

put on b) customized c) kept

It seems to me that leather jackets are nowadays.

tight b) trendy c) puffy

I don’t think she will ever put a miniskirt.

on b) in c) at

What kind of footwear did people use to in the early 1970s?

follow b) keep c) wear

Are leggings in or out of today?

trendy b) craze c) fashion

Punks enjoy wearing untidy and ripped .

clothing b) clothes c) style

When teenagers are relaxing at home or out meeting with friends, they wear clothes.

trendy b) casual c) oversized

Girls wear anything from trainers to boots and shoes with or without.

denim b) heels c) safety pins

Task 2. Open the brackets.

If I (can) fly, I would (to be) unique.

If I (to be) you, I would (watch) a new thriller.

Mary would (to learn) English better if she (to live) in England.

If they (to be) rich, they’d (to travel) a lot.

My friend would (take up) guitar lessons if he (to have) more free time.

Task 3. Match the halves.

If I were a tourist in my own country… a) …they would go to Britain, but they can’t afford it.

If my mum went to Britain… b)…you’d draw the better illustrations.

If they could… c)…he’d wear this coat.

If my sister got a new pair of jeans… d)…I’d buy a matrjoshka doll.

If he weren’t as short as he is… e) …I would put it on for the interview.

If this sweater weren’t so tight… f) …she’d bring me back a birthday present.

If you used tour imagination… g) …she would be happy.

Task 4. Complete the sentences.

My clothes for special occasions include.

But the latest craze is.

Task 5. Give English equivalents.

На твоем месте я бы купила эти джинсы.

Моя мама привезла бы мне подарок, если бы поехала в Лондон.

Если бы блузки из марли были в тренде сейчас, она бы была рада носить их.

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