Тест present simple + present continuous вопрос 1 my parents me presents every christmas. a give b is giving c gives вопрос 2 she her son ted now. a washes b wash c is washing вопрос 3 every sunday my sons to the moscow zoo to watch wild animals. a goes b go c are going вопрос 4 my niece to folk music at the moment. a is listening b are listening c listens вопрос 5 look! our kitten tv. a watch b watches c is watching вопрос 6 brain in a small firm in his town. a working b is working c works вопрос 7 i’m at the doctor’s now. he a new medicine for me. a is prescribing b are prescribing c prescribes вопрос 8 we to the cinema every week. a don’t go b doesn’t go c aren’t going вопрос 9 do you usually games? a play b plays c is playing вопрос 10 our sisters at the moment. a aren’t swimming b isn’t swimming c don’t swim вопрос 11 who foreign languages in your class? a is learning b is learnning c learns вопрос 12 where he in winter? a does __skate b is __skateing c is __skating вопрос 13 you really dinner now? a is __cooking b are __cooking c do __cookking вопрос 14 my daughter the piano every evening. a is playing b plays c playes вопрос 15 his wife very beautiful and intelligent. a is being b is c does being

Сакура2034 Сакура2034    2   02.10.2019 06:20    21

Madinamkm Madinamkm  09.10.2020 11:12

Вопрос 1 A give

Вопрос 2 C is washing

Вопрос 3 B go

Вопрос 4 A is listening

Вопрос 5 C is watching

Вопрос 6 C works

Вопрос 7 A is prescribing

Вопрос 8 A don’t go

Вопрос 9 A play

Вопрос 10 A aren’t swimming

Вопрос 11 C learns

Вопрос 12 A does __skate

Вопрос 13 B are __cooking

Вопрос 14 B plays

Вопрос 15 B is

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