Тест по .яз! , ! 1a найдите 15 слов в таблице. слова расположены в двух направлениях: вертикальном и горизонтальном. сгруппируйте слова в соответствии с заголовками. (15 ) a jobs b subjects c clothes d town features e things to eat b дополните каждую группу слов ещу одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. (5 ) j e c o n o m i c s o h s s o n i o n s u i t w s u i t h p r s a e n b t m o o n t d a u r i u s t a o i t r e g s p a l r u e s a h e i t i y m r e d t u t o s a c t o r s m a e t s c i e n c e l s 2 заполните пропуски в предложениях десятью разными существительными. (10 ) example: there's an interval of 15 minutes during the concert. 1 i‟d like to earn a lot of . 2 how many of biscuits do we need? 3 the seats are in the third on the left. 4 he‟s got long hair, a and a moustache. 5 he‟s wearing because he‟s going running. 6 does cost $2 a gallon. 7 is there any in your medical kit? 8 i‟ve got a so i don‟t need scissors. 9 there‟s an of her work at the gallery. 10 there was a driver and three in the car

133fdsf7za 133fdsf7za    1   23.08.2019 00:30    12

anilop15 anilop15  05.10.2020 13:38
A. Jobs : journalist, nurse, actor 
B. Subjects : economic , history, science
C. Clothes : suit, sweater
D. Town features : museum, stadium
E. Things to eat : potatoe, onion 
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