Тест по выберите нужную форму глагола в настоящем простом, настоящем совершенном или в совершенном времени: 2. he the farm since 1987. a) has owned b) own c) have been owning d) owned 3. you ever been to scotland? a) has b) had c) have d) did 4. they arrive at the airport on time yesterday? a) have b) did c) has d) do 5. he unemployed since he left college. a) has been b) were c) had been d) is 6. where before you moved to america? a) you did live b) you lived c) did you live d) lived you 7. last year inflation was tremendous, and the prices . a) raised b) arise c) rise d) rose 8. last week our manager to get a new job. a) leave b) left c) leaves d) has left 9. ann to the bank, but a few minutes ago she returned. a) goes b) has gone c) went d) has gone 10. last year the company a good profit. a) makes b) made c) have made d) did

оля27102000 оля27102000    2   06.10.2019 04:50    7

nataotkidach nataotkidach  02.09.2020 18:47
2. a)
4 d).
10. a)
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