Тест на разные режимы Complex Object. Обращайте внимание на перевод: 1) I want to see you ответ
Я хочу увидеть, как ты добьешься успеха. (to succeed)
2) Please, let me ответ
it myself.
, позволь мне сделать это самому.
3) He watched her ответ
and it made him ответ
Он смотрел, как она ушла (to leave), и это заставило его заплакать.
4) Last night we watched the stars ответ
Вчера ночью мы смотрели, как падали звезды.
5) I would like us ответ
about this.
Я бы хотела, чтобы мы не переживали об этом.
6) The new wine restaurant seems ответ
very expensive.
Новый винный ресторан кажется очень дорогим.
7) We believe him ответ
the best candidate.
Мы считаем, что он является лучшим кандидатом.
8) She had to listen to Mary ответ
the entire ride home.
Ей пришлось слушать как Мэри жалуется (to complain) всю дорогу до дома.
9) I need this letter ответ
as soon as possible.
Мне нужно, чтобы письмо было написано как можно скорее.
10) I noticed him ответ
something small in his bag.
Я заметил, как он положил что-то маленькое себе в сумку.
11) She finds him ответ
very attractive.
Она находит его очень привлекательным.
12) We heard her ответ
while cooking.
Мы слышали как она поет, пока готовит.
13) Tom did not expect us ответ
on time.
Том не ожидал, что мы придем вовремя.
- Explanation: The phrase "to see" is followed by the pronoun "you" and the verb "succeed." "To see" expresses the action of observing or witnessing someone's success.
2) Please, let me do it myself. (Пожалуйста, позволь мне сделать это самому.) - Complex Object: "let me do it" is the main verb, and "myself" is the object.
- Explanation: The phrase "let me" is followed by the verb "do" and the pronoun "it." "Let me do it" means allowing oneself to perform an action independently.
3) He watched her leave, and it made him cry. (Он смотрел, как она ушла, и это заставило его заплакать.) - Complex Object: "watched her leave" is the main verb, and "him cry" is the object.
- Explanation: The verb "watched" is followed by the pronoun "her" and the verb "leave." "Watched her leave" describes the action of observing someone's departure. "And it made him cry" is a separate clause indicating the effect of her leaving on his emotional state.
4) Last night we watched the stars fall. (Вчера ночью мы смотрели, как падали звезды) - Complex Object: "watched the stars fall" is the main verb, and "the stars" is the object.
- Explanation: The verb "watched" is followed by the noun "stars" and the verb "fall." The phrase "watched the stars fall" describes the action of observing the stars descending from the sky.
5) I would like us not to worry about this. (Я бы хотела, чтобы мы не переживали об этом) - Complex Object: "would like" is the main verb, and "us not to worry" is the object.
- Explanation: The phrase "would like" is followed by the pronoun "us" and the phrase "not to worry." "Would like us not to worry" expresses the desire for the subject and others to refrain from feeling anxious or concerned about something.
6) The new wine restaurant seems very expensive. (Новый винный ресторан кажется очень дорогим.) - Complex Object: "seems very expensive" is the main verb, and "very expensive" is the object.
- Explanation: The verb "seems" is followed by the adverb "very" and the adjective "expensive." "Seems very expensive" describes the impression that the new wine restaurant gives, suggesting that it is costly.
7) We believe him to be the best candidate. (Мы считаем, что он является лучшим кандидатом.) - Complex Object: "believe him to be" is the main verb, and "the best candidate" is the object.
- Explanation: The verb "believe" is followed by the pronoun "him" and the phrase "to be the best candidate." "Believe him to be" indicates the conviction or opinion that he is the most suitable candidate for a particular role or position.
8) She had to listen to Mary complain the entire ride home. (Ей пришлось слушать, как Мэри жалуется всю дорогу до дома.) - Complex Object: "had to listen to Mary complain" is the main verb, and "Mary complain" is the object.
- Explanation: The phrase "had to listen" is followed by the noun "Mary" and the verb "complain." "Had to listen to Mary complain" describes the obligation or necessity of hearing Mary express dissatisfaction or grievances during the entire journey home.
9) I need this letter written as soon as possible. (Мне нужно, чтобы письмо было написано как можно скорее.) - Complex Object: "need this letter written" is the main verb, and "this letter" is the object.
- Explanation: The phrase "need" is followed by the pronoun "this" and the noun "letter." "Need this letter written" expresses the requirement or urgency for the specific letter to be composed or drafted at the earliest opportunity.
10) I noticed him put something small in his bag. (Я заметил, как он положил что-то маленькое себе в сумку.) - Complex Object: "noticed him put" is the main verb, and "him put something small" is the object.
- Explanation: The verb "noticed" is followed by the pronoun "him" and the verb "put." "Noticed him put something small" describes the action of observing him placing a small object into his bag.
11) She finds him very attractive. (Она находит его очень привлекательным.) - Complex Object: "finds him attractive" is the main verb, and "him" is the object.
- Explanation: The verb "finds" is followed by the pronoun "him" and the adjective "attractive." "Finds him attractive" expresses the opinion or judgment that he possesses qualities that evoke admiration or desire.
12) We heard her sing while cooking. (Мы слышали, как она поет, пока готовит.) - Complex Object: "heard her sing" is the main verb, and "her sing" is the object.
- Explanation: The verb "heard" is followed by the pronoun "her" and the verb "sing." "Heard her sing" describes the action of perceiving or perceiving her vocalize or produce musical sounds while engaging in the activity of cooking.
13) Tom did not expect us to arrive on time. (Том не ожидал, что мы придем вовремя.) - Complex Object: "did not expect us to arrive" is the main verb, and "us to arrive" is the object.
- Explanation: The phrase "did not expect" is followed by the pronoun "us" and the verb "arrive." "Did not expect us to arrive" indicates Tom's lack of anticipation or foresight regarding our punctuality or timely arrival.