Тест на какую то там тему по английскому решить правильно и желательно быстро людей которые не разбираются в теме не решать ради балов 1.Bilan is bringing his new album. *
A out
B back
C in
2.The new government has brought many changes in education. *
A in
B round
C up
3. The nurse brought the patient by using some cold water. *
A about
B out
C round
4.This village is ideal place to bting children. *
A out
B in
C up
5.This lyrics brings happy memories from my childhood. *
A round
B about
C back
Choose the word
6. Who the television? *
A invented
B discovered
C find out
7.The company has got 450 . *
A employers
B colleagues
C employees
8. He got as a flight attendant.. *
A job
B career
C work
9. He earns a lot. He has a high . *
A money
B wages
C salary
10. the beginning of his career he worked as a tutor. *
A in
B at
C by
11. He left school the age of nine because of serious illness. *
A in
B under
C at
12. He started his career politics the end of 1985.
A in , at
B at, in
C in, in

Piachenka150 Piachenka150    1   25.11.2021 14:33    1

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