I. Выберите правильное слово
station fumes rain pollution rubbish recycle trees
clean out
e.g. power station
1. toxic 4. plant
2. newspapers and cans 5. acid
3. a pond 6. collect
7. air, water and soil
II. Поставьте сказуемые в Present Perfect Continuous.
1) Acid rain (destroy) natural habitats for years.
2) They (look) for their car since morning.
3) We (work) hard to raise awareness of environmental problems.
4) Her son (play) computer games since childhood.
5) It (rain) for two hours and it won’t stop!
6) We (clean) out flat all day long.
III. Заполни пропуски have to, don’t have, has to, doesn’t have to.
1) Mum go shopping. Dad goes shopping twice.
2) I do my homework every day.
3) Dad wash our car at the weekends.
4) My sister and I make breakfast. Our mum makes it.
IV. Напишите разделительные во Решите