Тест 3 вопроса present simple и present continuous 13) fill in the blank: he never … the truth. i … him. choose one answer: a. tell … don’t believe b. tells … don’t believe c. tells … doesn’t believe d. is telling … am not believing 14) fill in the blank: hungarian people commonly … paprika as a spice. choose one answer: a. using b. are using c. is using d. use 15) fill in the blank: who is richard? he … next to jane. choose one answer: a. is standing b. stands c. are standing d. stand

Malinka440 Malinka440    1   04.10.2019 15:10    2

ПростоМиха ПростоМиха  09.10.2020 20:04

13) Fill in the blank:

He never tells the truth. I don’t believe him.

14) Fill in the blank:

Hungarian people commonly use paprika as a spice.

15) Fill in the blank:

Who is Richard? He is standing next to Jane.