TEST 2 (for Units 4-6) 45 min LISTENING
1 Listen and say True or False. (6x2=12)
1) Laziza only likes jazz.
4) Laziza sang in the school band.
2) Igor likes his piano lessons. 5) Igor played the drums.
3) Laziza went to music school. 6) Laziza is going to sing in a band.
DVD script:
Igor: Laziza, which music is your favourite?
Laziza: I really like jazz. However, I sometimes listen to rock or classical
music. I think it depends on my mood. But I definitely like good music.
Igor: But I don't quite understand what good music is.
Laziza: Perhaps it's because you didn't go to music classes when you
were younger, did you?
Igor: No. Which classes did you take? Can you play any musical
instruments or sing?
Laziza: Yes, I can. I took the piano classes. And later I liked singing a lot.
Igor: I think you can be proud that you can play the piano.
Laziza: I think, you're right. What about you? Are you a fan of music
of a certain genre?
Igor: I like almost all kinds of music: from folk to hard rock. And, by
the way, I can play the drums a bit. When I was at school I played in an
amateur band with my friends.
Laziza: That sounds great! We can form our own band. We just need
a couple of other musicians.
Igor: There was also a pianist and a guitarist in our school band.
Laziza: Do you meet them sometimes?
Igor: Yes, I do. We sometimes meet up at my father's cafe. Do you
want me to talk to them?
Laziza: Yes, please. Ask them if they are interested in a band with us.
I'll do the singing and composing part.
Igor: Fine. Let's try to do that. What kind of music are we going to play?
Laziza: We can play jazz, pop or we even can create something new.
Igor: What a wonderful idea! Well, let's meet next Saturday.
Laziza: Okay. I hope we'll create a great band!
Igor: I do too.​

Kristina8478 Kristina8478    2   31.01.2021 19:49    20

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