TEST 1 (Conditionals) 2. Put the verbs in the necessary form:

If the weather is fine , I will go to picnic.
If I ... (find) a silver bracelet, I would keep it.
If I hadn't come to school, I ... (play) football.
I ... (buy) a new computer, I my mother gives me money.
I wouldn't have told you it if I ...(know) it.
If I lost my passport I ... (not tell) about it to my parents.
I am having a birthday tomorrow. I wish my parents ... (buy) me a bicycle.
It's so hot! I wish it ... (rain).
I have broken my car! I wish I ...(drive) yesterday.
Mary was working yesterday. I wish she ... (come).
If I ... (be) a princess I (live in the palace).
If (have) a lot of money I (buy) a new dress
I (go) to Paris if you (go) with me.
We learn better if (not do sport)
If I (open ) my shop, I(sell) flowers.
If I (be) you, I (not tell) it to your parents.
My parents ... (be) angry) if they ... (know) it.
If I ... (lose) the telephone I ... (not phone to the police).
If I ... (live) in Moscow I (visit museum) every Sunday.
I ... (learn) to drive a car if I ...(have) my own car.

TEST 2 (Conditionals)

1. Поставьте глагол в нужной форме:

1. If we ... (write) you a letter, we won’t phone.
2. They ... (come), if they don’t work.
3. If I lost money, I ... (go) to police.
4. If we hadn’t been there, we ... (tell) you.
5. If I ... (be) a king, I would live in castle.
6. When they finish, they ... (have lunch)
7. If I ... the news, I wouldn’t have gone there.
8. We will go to Spain, if this summer ... (be) hot.
9. If we ... (go) to Spain, I’d visit my friends.
10. My mother would buy this dress, if she ... (have) money.

2.Закончите предложения:

1. If I get money, ... .
2. If I finish university, ... .
3. If I am married, ... .
4. If I were a teacher, ... .
5. If my parents bought me a car, ... .
6. I would be happy, if ... .
7. I would smile if ... .
8. If I hadn’t learnt English, ... .
9. If I hadn’t come to classes today, ... .
10. I would have learnt better, if ... .

3. Переведите предложения:

1. Если у меня будет собака, я буду счастлив.
2. Мама купит мне платье, когда получит деньги.
3. Если погода будет хорошей, я пойду в кино.
4. Если бы я была королевой, я бы не училась.
5. Если бы я вышла замуж, я бы имела двух детей.
6. Если бы я знала ответ, я бы тебе сказала.
7. Если бы я поехала в Англию, я бы посетила Лондон.
8. Если бы я училась в Университете, я бы изучала маркетинг.
9. Если бы ты не пришел, я бы огорчилась.
10. Чтобы ты делал, если бы ты потерял деньги?

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