Тема по "cinema in my life" (в тему должно входить мнение о кинотеатрах, любите ли вы туда ходить, любимый фильм, актер и вообще смысл кинотеатров в жизни человека) 15-20 предложений (желательно с переводом)

zyryanovairina zyryanovairina    2   08.06.2019 14:20    2

artemgavrev artemgavrev  07.07.2020 18:24
I want to tell about cinema and cinematograf. I visit a cinema about two time in month. Usually, i go to the cinema with my best friend Kristina. Our favourite cinema is (сюда название любимого кинотеатра). I like a horor and comedy films, but i dont like comedies without point. In my opinion, to go to the cinema is very important in the my life, because i like spend time with my friends and watching different interesting films.
My favourite actor is ( любимого актера ). He is physically and mentally smart enough. I  like him and his parts in fims.