Тема диалога: транспорт. итак, нужно составить не большой, диалог по этой начала, но может нужно что-то исправить в содержании и закончить)) -hi! haven't seen! -hi! -i'm going to go somewhere, for example on the nature. ты не подскажешь what type of transport it's better? what type of transport you prefer to? -my favourite transport on my bycycle, because it's more interesting to enjoy being with my friends we can enjoy the beautiful landscapes as well it's very good for health. but there are also disadvantages of this type of transport. this travell nearby not so fast.
hi. me too
- don't you know what type ...
my favorite transport is my bysycle, because it's much better being with my friends. we can enjoy ...
- well it's good idea. but i don't like bycycles. i just want to relax
- then you can go by car. it's very intresting and fun too. especcially with friends. you can sing out loud, play someting, just talk and laugh. moreover this trip will be fast.
- oh i like it. i think it would be perfect if we have a car. but unfourtunally we haven't.
-this is bad situation. of couse you always can go by bus but it may not go so far from the town.
-so what do you think? i really need help
ok. my dad has a car and maybe if i ask him, he'll give it to us. what about this?
-Oh dear. you are the best. it would be great!