Текст по языку 5 класс с переводом "как именно в вашей семье празднуют день рожденье"

Ямайкамафака Ямайкамафака    3   29.08.2019 03:20    1

Виктория54345888 Виктория54345888  20.08.2020 17:58
I like celebrity My birthday.Because my family Make for me Special present, they are money,toys,chocolate.Evry year my mother my day she cooked delicious food, cake and my father did barely.In evening all togher going to the cinema.I LIKE MY FAMILY,AND MY BIRTHDAY☺
DiDUFC DiDUFC  20.08.2020 17:58
How my family celebrates a birthdayMy family invites all relatives, relatives, bakes cake, prepares food. When all the guests are in the zbor, they give gifts and sit down to eat. When everyone eats, you can spend fun contests or games. Or guests go to watch TV.
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