The series tells the story of Walter white, a chemistry Professor and Jesse Pinkman, a drug addict and huckster. Walter white is a brilliant man, Professor of chemistry, who is forced to eke out their miserable existence, eating to make ends meet, working as a teacher of chemistry in a typical American school, the man who could achieve more, but had to be content with little. Jesse Pinkman, a drug addict, which he cooks meth, he takes it and distributes that lives only to "Ganja" and the rave and especially on anything not steamed.
Walter white is a brilliant man, Professor of chemistry, who is forced to eke out their miserable existence, eating to make ends meet, working as a teacher of chemistry in a typical American school, the man who could achieve more, but had to be content with little.
Jesse Pinkman, a drug addict, which he cooks meth, he takes it and distributes that lives only to "Ganja" and the rave and especially on anything not steamed.