Для многих людей лето – это лучшее время года и моя семья не исключение. Мои родители, оба любят путешествовать за границу во время своего отпуска. Что касается меня, то мне тоже нравится видеть новые места и знакомиться с новыми людьми. У меня много друзей в школе и по соседству. Таким образом, когда начинается лето, у меня появляется много свободного времени, чтобы проводить с друзьями. Это лето было полно положительных эмоций. С того момента, как оно началось, мы с родителями уехали в Хорватию на неделю. Погода и природа в этой стране были великолепны. Мы много плавали в лазурное море, мы загорали, затем мы совершили несколько экскурсий, чтобы увидеть места по всей стране, и мы также завели много новых друзей. Мы все еще переписываемся с некоторыми из них. Когда мы вернулись, я начала встречаться со своими друзьями чаще. Мы ходили за покупками в торговый центр, мы также ходили в одну пиццерию, которая мне нравится больше всего. В общем, мы прекрасно провели время вместе. В конце лета мы поехали к моим бабушке и дедушке. Они живут в деревне, которая находится в четырех часах езды от нас. Воздух там всегда свежий и чистый по сравнению с городским загрязненным воздухом. По соседству с моими бабушкой и дедушкой у меня также есть несколько хороших друзей, так что мне не было там скучно. Я проводила много времени вне дома, где мы играли в баскетбол, играли в прятки, и даже однажды ходили собирать грибы. Должна сказать, что лето было отличное! Жаль, что оно так быстро пролетело.
For many people, summer is the best time of year and my family is no exception. My parents, both love to travel abroad during their vacation. As for me, I like to see new places and meet new people. I have many friends at school and in the neighborhood. Thus, when summer begins, I have many free time to spend with friends. This summer has been full of positive emotions. Since it started, my parents and I went to Croatia for a week. The weather and the nature in this country have been great. We have a lot of swimming in the azure sea, we sunbathed, then we made several excursions to see the places throughout the country, and we also brought a lot of new friends. We still write with some of them. When we returned, I began to meet with my friends more often. We went shopping in the Mall, we went to the same pizza place that I like the most. In General, we had a great time together. At the end of summer we went to my grandparents. They live in the village, which is four hours away. The air there is always fresh and clean compared to urban air pollution. Next door with my grandparents I also have a few good friends, so I was not there bored. I spent a lot of time outside the house where we played basketball, played hide and seek, and even once went to collect mushrooms. Must say that this summer was great! It is a pity that it has passed so quickly.
For many people, summer is the best time of year and my family is no exception. My parents, both love to travel abroad during their vacation. As for me, I like to see new places and meet new people. I have many friends at school and in the neighborhood. Thus, when summer begins, I have many free time to spend with friends. This summer has been full of positive emotions. Since it started, my parents and I went to Croatia for a week. The weather and the nature in this country have been great. We have a lot of swimming in the azure sea, we sunbathed, then we made several excursions to see the places throughout the country, and we also brought a lot of new friends. We still write with some of them. When we returned, I began to meet with my friends more often. We went shopping in the Mall, we went to the same pizza place that I like the most. In General, we had a great time together. At the end of summer we went to my grandparents. They live in the village, which is four hours away. The air there is always fresh and clean compared to urban air pollution. Next door with my grandparents I also have a few good friends, so I was not there bored. I spent a lot of time outside the house where we played basketball, played hide and seek, and even once went to collect mushrooms. Must say that this summer was great! It is a pity that it has passed so quickly.
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