текст еще раз. ответьте на во используя информацию текста 1.
1. What is processing? 2. What is data processing? 3. What does the term
of data processing system mean? 4. What basic operations does a data processing system include? 5. What is inputting/storing/outputting information?
42 • Английский язык в сфере информационных технологий
6. What do you understand by resources? 7. How did ancient Egyptians con-1
vert facts into useful information? 8. When were mechanical aids for computation developed? 9. What does data storage hierarchy mean? 10. What are
the general groupings of any data storage hierarchy?

() знакомьтесь с терминами текста 1.
ilnla processing ['delta proo’sesiq] — обработка информации (данных)
to convert [кэп'узД] — преобразовывать, переводить (в другие
to accomplish [a'knmplij] — завершать, заканчивать; осуществлять,
to house [haus] — помещать, размещать
to improve [im'pru:v] — улучшать, совершенствовать
to control [kon'traul] — управлять, регулировать; управление,
to store [sto:] — хранить, запоминать, заносить в память (размещать в памяти)
storage [’sto:n resource [n'so:s] — ресурс, средство, возможность
facility [fa'siliti] — устройство, средство; facilities—при возможности
equipment [I'kwipmant] — оборудование, аппаратура, приборы,
available [a'veibbl] — доступный, имеющийся (в наличии), возможный
display [dis’plei] — дисплей, устройство (визуального) отображения,
manner ['таепэ образ (действий)
sequence ['sikwans] — последовательность, порядок (следования)
successively [sak'sesivli] — последовательно
data storage hierarchy [hara'rcrki] — иерархия (последовательность)
запоминания информации (данных)
40 • Английский язык в сфере информационных технологий
to enter [’enta] — входить; вводить (данные), заносить, записывать!
comprehensive groupings — полные (обширные, универсальные)]
meaningful [’mi:mrjful] — имеющий смысл, значащий (о данных) 1
item ['aitam] — элемент, составная часть
record [’reko:d] — запись, регистрация; [ri’ko:rdJ записывать,]
file [fail] — файл; заносить в файл (хранить в файле)
set — набор, множество, совокупность, серия, группа, система
data base ['delta ’beiz] — база данных
related [ri'leitid] — смежный, взаимосвязанный, относящийся
(к чему-л.)

tanyajana tanyajana    3   21.04.2020 09:23    229

6aKalL 6aKalL  21.12.2023 09:12
1. What is processing?
Processing refers to the manipulation and transformation of data in order to generate meaningful and useful information. It involves performing various operations on raw data to convert it into a more organized and structured format.

2. What is data processing?
Data processing is the collection, organization, and manipulation of data to produce meaningful information. This includes activities such as data entry, data storage, data retrieval, data analysis, and data presentation.

3. What does the term of data processing system mean?
The term data processing system refers to a combination of hardware, software, and procedures used to perform data processing tasks. It includes the equipment and resources necessary to input, store, process, and output data.

4. What basic operations does a data processing system include?
A data processing system includes several basic operations:
- Input: This is the process of entering data into the system.
- Processing: This involves performing calculations, transformations, and data manipulations on the inputted data.
- Storage: This refers to the storing of processed data for future use.
- Output: This is the presentation of the processed data in a format that is useful to the user.

5. What is inputting/storing/outputting information?
Inputting information refers to the process of entering data into a data processing system. Storing information involves keeping the data in a storage medium for future use. Outputting information refers to presenting the processed data in a format that can be easily understood and used by the user.

6. What do you understand by resources?
Resources refer to the various assets, tools, and equipment that are required for data processing. These can include hardware resources like computers, servers, storage devices, and software resources like operating systems, programming languages, and application software.

7. How did ancient Egyptians convert facts into useful information?
Ancient Egyptians used mechanical aids and hieroglyphic writing systems to convert facts into useful information. They developed tools such as the abacus and used hieroglyphs to record and represent numerical information.

8. When were mechanical aids for computation developed?
Mechanical aids for computation were developed in ancient times. The abacus, for example, was invented by the ancient Greeks and Egyptians around 3000 BCE. Other early mechanical aids include the astrolabe and slide rule.

9. What does data storage hierarchy mean?
Data storage hierarchy refers to the organization and arrangement of different levels of storage devices based on their speed, capacity, and cost. It represents the various levels of data storage, ranging from high-speed and expensive storage mediums to slower but more affordable options.

10. What are the general groupings of any data storage hierarchy?
The general groupings of a data storage hierarchy include:
- Primary storage: This includes the main memory (RAM) of a computer, which provides fast access to data during processing.
- Secondary storage: This includes devices like hard drives, solid-state drives (SSDs), and magnetic tapes, which provide long-term storage.
- Tertiary storage: This includes optical disks and robotic tape libraries, which offer large storage capacities but slower access times.
- Offline storage: This includes archived tapes and backup devices that are disconnected from the system and used for long-term data preservation.
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