текст еще раз и ответьте на во ис¬пользуя информацию текста.

1. What is programming? 2. What is the essence of program¬ming? 3. What should be done with the problem before process¬ing by the computer? 4. What is a program? 5. What are instruc¬tions? 6. What are the main techniques for planning the program logic? 7. What is a flowchart? 8. What is a template and what is it used for? 9. What do you understand by "pseudocode"? 10. What are the basic structures of pseudocode?

4. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

Совокупность закодированных команд; суть компьютер¬ного программирования; кодирование посредством алгорит¬ма; формулы, уравнения, вычисления; обработать особым образом; перечень команд; необходимая последователь¬ность; защищать от ошибок; составлять план логической последовательности; общепринятая методика; логическая последовательность выполнения программы; построение блок-схемы; наглядное представление; заранее заданные символы; шаблон; псевдопрограмма; без издержек; выде¬лять принцип нисходящей обработки; расходовать меньше времени; логическая схема выполнения операций в цикле

мария22228 мария22228    1   01.06.2020 18:56    1216

svetaH666 svetaH666  25.12.2023 11:31
1. What is programming?

Programming is the process of creating computer programs. It involves writing a set of instructions in a specific programming language that tell a computer how to perform a particular task or solve a problem.

2. What is the essence of programming?

The essence of programming is to control the behavior of the computer and make it perform specific tasks based on the given instructions. It is about designing and implementing algorithms and logical sequences of operations to solve problems efficiently.

3. What should be done with the problem before processing by the computer?

Before processing by the computer, the problem should be clearly understood and broken down into smaller, manageable parts. This involves analyzing the problem, defining its requirements, and identifying the input and output needed for a solution.

4. What is a program?

A program is a set of instructions written in a programming language that directs a computer on how to solve a specific problem or perform a particular task. It is a sequence of commands that the computer executes in order to produce the desired output.

5. What are instructions?

Instructions are individual commands or statements within a program that specify the actions that must be carried out by the computer. They can include mathematical operations, data manipulations, input/output operations, conditional statements, and loops.

6. What are the main techniques for planning the program logic?

The main techniques for planning program logic include breaking down the problem into smaller tasks, designing an algorithm or a step-by-step process to solve each task, defining the flow of control between different parts of the program, and considering factors such as efficiency, reliability, and reusability.

7. What is a flowchart?

A flowchart is a visual representation of the logical steps involved in solving a problem or executing a program. It uses different shapes and arrows to show the flow of control, decision points, and the order in which operations are performed.

8. What is a template and what is it used for?

A template is a pre-designed format or structure that can be used as a starting point for creating something. In programming, a template can refer to a pre-defined outline or framework for writing code. It helps programmers by providing a standardized structure that can be reused or customized for different applications.

9. What do you understand by "pseudocode"?

Pseudocode is a way of writing out the logic of a program using a mixture of natural language and simplified programming language syntax. It is not a formal programming language, but it helps programmers plan and understand the logic of a program before actually coding it.

10. What are the basic structures of pseudocode?

The basic structures of pseudocode include sequence (a list of actions performed in order), selection (making decisions based on certain conditions), and iteration (repeating a set of actions until a condition is met). These structures allow programmers to express the logical flow of a program without getting into the details of a specific programming language syntax.

English equivalents:

- совокупность закодированных команд: set of encoded commands
- суть компьютерного программирования: essence of computer programming
- кодирование посредством алгоритма: encoding through an algorithm
- формулы, уравнения, вычисления: formulas, equations, calculations
- обработать особым образом: process in a special way
- перечень команд: list of commands
- необходимая последовательность: necessary sequence
- защищать от ошибок: protect from errors
- составлять план логической последовательности: create a plan for logical sequence
- общепринятая методика: commonly accepted methodology
- логическая последовательность выполнения программы: logical sequence of program execution
- построение блок-схемы: construction of a flowchart
- наглядное представление: visual representation
- заранее заданные символы: pre-defined symbols
- шаблон: template
- псевдопрограмма: pseudocode
- без издержек: without overhead
- выделять принцип нисходящей обработки: emphasize the principle of top-down processing
- расходовать меньше времени: spend less time
- логическая схема выполнения операций в цикле: logical scheme of operations in a loop.
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