Текст 12 -15 предложений на тему моя профессия повар(или фотограф)

PolinaRa1610200710 PolinaRa1610200710    1   03.10.2019 18:10    4

жуля7 жуля7  09.10.2020 15:03

Hello! My name is  (Твоё имя). My favourite profession is a cook. I think cooking isn't boring work. It's like an art, you need to have all details in your work. Because, if you haven't milk- you can't make a cake. But cook- is a hard work. You need to know many techniques and rules. If you'll forgotten only one rule- you can: made a fire, broken something or hurt somebody. Now I can make some easy-cook food. When I will be older, I wanna be make my restaurant. It's will be call-" (любое название кафе на англ язе)".

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