Te five questions about Asadbek. usic?
Asadbek's teacher Vladimir Neymer sent a
video of Asadbek conducting
an orchestra to
of conducting
world, see different countries and cities, and
A young conductor from Tashkent, a 10-year-old Asadbek Ayubjanov
were did Asadbek study before coming to Tashkent?
youngest conductor in Uzbekistan and one
of the youngest in the world.
Music School. He was invited to study to invited to perform in famous concert halls.
The talented boy was noticed in Termez Vladimir Spivakov. After that, Asadbek was
Tashkent. Vladimir Neymer, a professor at Asadbek wants to become a famous violinist
the State Conservatoire, teaches him the art or conductor. He wants to travel around the
The young conductor earlier conducted learn a lot of new things.
Asadbek is a third-grade student of the Russia, which consists of 90 orchestra mem-
the orchestra of the Ministry of Defence of