Tasks for the Summative Assessment for term 2 READING

Hollywood stars are beautiful, talented and generous, too. In fact most stars do some work for charity. Today lots of celebrities, like Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, and Scarlett Johansson do charity work.
In Hollywood it is fashionable to be concerned about the world and the environment. But can actors succeed where politicians failed? Well, some are succeeding very well! When a charity is connected to a star, it gets publicity. People become interested and want to help: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are often in the news because of their work for charity. In 2006 when Jolie was expecting her baby, she let ‘People magazine’ print photos in exchange for a donation to a charity in Haiti
We cannot ignore the fact that millions of people are suffering. I want to help’, says Jolie. Here are some celebrities who are trying to make the world a better place.
Di Caprio is a determined environmentalist. In 2007, he made a documentary 11th hour, about the environment crisis caused by human actions. He flies in commercial planes and not private jets which use more fuel. He thinks that global warming is the biggest problem for humanity.
George Clooney, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt raise 5 million dollars for Darfur crisis during the premiere of Ocean’s thirteen at the Cannes Festival. Now, Clooney wants every film festival to be a charity event. After Matt Damon saw extreme poverty in Zambia and South Africa, he wanted to help other parts of Africa, too. He made a documentary called Running the Sahara to get support for clean water programs in Africa.
In 2001 Scarlett Johansson didn’t go to the Oscars: she preferred to tour India and Sri Lanka for the charity Oxfam. ‘It is strange to come home when you see people living in poverty’, she says, ‘It’s strange to be famous, but this means I can help a lot of people

Task 1. Complete the sentences using the words from the text. Write only ONE word.
1. The celebrities are considered not only attractive and gifted but also. [1]
2. In Hollywood some celebrities are worried about the world and the. [1]
3. Some celebrities allow to print their photos in the magazines to make a. [1]
Task 2. Match the sentences (4-6) with the halves (A-E) to make true sentences. There are TWO EXTRA options.
4. Leonardo di Caprio doesn’t use private jets because … [1]
5. Matt Damon made a documentary “Running the Sahara” because … [1]
6. Scarlett Johansson didn’t go to the Oscars in 2007 because … [2]
A. this person found it more useful to travel rather than attending academy awards.
B. this person refused comforts to be environmentally friendly.
C. this person used a family member to make others to donate money.
D. this person wanted to organise charity event.
E. this person wanted to help needy countries .


Task-3 Choose ONE of the topics and write.
Topic 1: You are a charitable volunteer in your city and always give a hand to those who are in need: clean the apartments of the disabled people; bring food to animal refuges to feed homeless animals; organise campaigns to raise money and collect toys and clothes for the local orphanages.
Your new idea is to write a formal letter to the local mayor to ask him/her for any help he/she can provide to help your charity organisation. Include in your letter the following information:
 The title of your charity organisation;
 What you have done/are doing already;
 How you would like the mayor to help your charity organisation.

Use appropriate style and examples in your letter.

Topic 2: You are working in an organisation that protects the environment in your country: clean the streets; preserve national reservations; organise campaigns to raise money to preserve endangered animals (e.g., Saiga, snow leopard, flamingo, etc.)
Your new idea is to write a formal letter to the local mayor to ask him/her for any help he/she can provide to help your organisation. Include in your letter the following information:
 The current environmental problems;
 What your suggestions are for solving this problem;
 How you would like the mayor to help you / your organisation.

Use appropriate style and examples in your letter.

Total marks /15

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