Task1: Повторення шкільних предметів. Solve the crossword. Розв’яжи кросворд

You can visit different countries without leaving your own city.
A lot of grammatical rules are studied at this lesson. We write many tests and dictations.
You learn how to speak and write German language
Ukrainian and foreign writers and poets are studied at the lesson.
At this lesson you learn how to use a computer
It helps you to calculate how much money you can ask your parents for.
You learn about past events and read about

annatimofeeva4 annatimofeeva4    2   09.11.2020 18:33    4

ponchikelo ponchikelo  09.12.2020 18:40

1. Internet?

2. Russian?

3. German

4. Literature

5. Computer Science/ informatics

6. Mathematics (Maths)

7. History


Не очень уверен в первых двух. Надеюсь другие подходят

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