Task. Write a ;for-and-against essay; about TV; give reasons and your own point of view. You should follow the plan and use linking words. (100-150 words) Plan: Introduction: …. Body: (advantages and disadvantages) …. Conclusion: …. Use basic conjunctions for your essay: • Then, next, after that, or, because, so. • First, second, finally, for example, moreover

alenashafeeva alenashafeeva    3   10.12.2020 19:11    0

2005kek 2005kek  09.01.2021 19:24

Watching television has its good and bad sides. Teenagers should not watch television too much time it's bad affects on eyes and wastes their time. On the flip side TV is the main source of information in the world and if we want to know actual events happening right now we need to switch on the TV and watch the news. Moreover, some programmes are very good for intellectual development, they can teach us something new. But anyway there are lots of other ways to spend leisure time except television


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