Task two. Составь короткий рассказ, используя слова в таблице. Одно слово лишнее. Предложения записывать полностью warm sharply cold Kazakhstan am continental Nikita windy
1. I am .
2. I from .
3. The climate of my country is .
4. The weather in winter is and .
7 points
Task tree. Read the text carefully and complete the task below. Прочитай текст и выполни задание.
Logums are animals from the planet Dentol. They are very large. A Logum has a very big body.
His neck is short and his head is small. He has four short thick legs. A Logum has a long trunk like an elephant. Under the trunk there is a very big mouth. There are four sharp teeth in the mouth. The Logum’s eyes are small and round.
His ears are small and narrow. They are in the middle of his head. A Logum has long thick green hair.
He lives in cold climate.
Соедини половинки предложений. Списывать предложения не надо.
Example: 0.D
0. He has four
1. Logums are animals
2. Under the trunk there is
3. They are in the middle of A. his head.
B. from the planet Denol
C. a very big mouth.
D. short thick legs.
тапок тапок тапок тапок тапок тапок