Task Read the paragraphs A-D.
The sky at night
Did you know?

A. By 1610 the Italian astronomer, Galileo Galilei, had built a telescope that see Jupiter. Near the planet he noticed some stars. He discovered that they were actually moons travelling around Jupiter. This proved that the Earth was not the center of the universe, and this changed astronomy and science forever.
B. On a clear night, you can see about 2500 stars. During the day, you can see only the Sun. The light from the Sun takes eight minutes to get to the Earth.
C. The Moon goes through lunar cycle from new moon to full moon, and back to new moon in 29.53days. We can see the Moon because sunlight reflects from its surface. But when the Earth goes between the Sun and the Moon, it blocks the light and the Moon appears to be a dark reddish colour. This is called a lunar eclipse.

Read the text again and find words that match the meanings below.
a piece of equipment that you can look through to make things that are far away appear nearer (paragraph A)
to use facts to show that something is true (paragraph A)
shining strongly (paragraph B)
the top or outside of something (paragraph D)

Read the sentences and write T for True, F for False or NM for Not mentioned.
Galileo discovered Jupiter’s moons.
You can’t see any stars during the day.
2500 meteoroids enter the Earth’s atmosphere every year.
Shooting stars can be dangerous to the Earth.
The time between a new moon and a full moon is 29.53 days.
You can still see the Moon during a lunar eclipse.
A lunar eclipse happens once every year.

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