Task 4 (30 points). Как выполнять Speaking tasks – устные задания по английскому языку

Speak about the future as you imagine it in 2050. Speak at least for 1 minute. Make full sentences using the Future Simple tense and Vocabulary on the topic “Predictions about the future”, etc. Provide the transcript to support your answer.

Для получения максимального за задание вам необходимо предоставить письменный или печатный текст вашего устного ответа (transcript). Устное задание без текста ответа будет оценено в половину от максимально возможного (при условии отсутствия ошибок). За письменный текст (transcript) без устного ответа зачтены не будут, так как в первую очередь в данном задании оценивается навык говорения (Speaking).

The following questions will help you. It’s not necessary to answer all of them, just use them to think about what you will say and the language you will need.

Will the future be very different from now?
What will the ecological situation be like?
Will robots replace people in their workplaces?
Will humanity be able to travel into space to see some unknown worlds?

Sashapro111 Sashapro111    2   03.12.2021 14:56    7

qwaszxpolkmn129 qwaszxpolkmn129  18.01.2022 01:14

I think in 2050 year humanity become more well developed in many techs,

starting out from mechanical engineering and ending space technologies.

humanity will definitely feel big technology leap, will invent rocket that can reach Mars, maybe will invent the cure from the cancer, the new viruses will apear, you can't say for sure what can happen in 2050 year, because almost year something happening in world what no one expected. Of course i dont think what humanity will invent flying cars or etc. from science fiction it will maybe apear in 2100 - 2200 yy.. We Сan not exactly say what can happen in 2050 year, maybe generally humanity will die from asteroid or something like this. No one know. undoubtedly world will undergo changes.


хз что будет

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