Task 3. Write an article about the celebration in your country or in another country. Use these questions as a plan.
1. What is the name of celebration?
2. When and where does it take place?
3. What preparations do people make before the event?
4. What happens during the event? How do people feel?
5. What final comments can you make?

pppooppaoappo pppooppaoappo    3   04.03.2021 12:01    0

Викатульская Викатульская  03.04.2021 12:02

1 The holiday is called the Korean New Year. 2. The Korean New Year is celebrated according to the lunar calendar and only with the family. 3. It used to have 14 days off, and only traditional dishes are served on the table. large numbers and it is believed that the departed ancestors visit their relatives on this day and celebrate this holiday with the whole family. 4. During the holiday, Korean families are accompanied by customs, 1) eating the main dish, tteokguk soup, 2) a trip to parents and loved ones, 3) remembering 4 generations of ancestors, 4) traditional family games: flying a kite, swing, sticks and etc. 5. I think that this is a good holiday and Koreans do not celebrate the new year like we do, because we just spend last year and celebrate the new one, but in Korea it is completely different


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