Task 3.Образуйте пассивную конструкцию из активной:

1. Sasha sent a letter to Alison -

2. Mike told us an interesting story…

3. The Garretts showed Sasha their house.
4 Father promised Natalie a new car.

Ъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъ Ъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъъ    2   08.04.2020 11:24    374

VanekI VanekI  11.01.2024 14:43
1. A letter was sent to Alison by Sasha.
To form the passive construction, we use the verb "to be" in the appropriate tense (in this case, "was") followed by the past participle of the main verb ("sent") and the preposition "to" to indicate the recipient ("Alison"). The subject of the active sentence ("Sasha") becomes the agent of the passive sentence.

2. We were told an interesting story by Mike.
Again, we use the appropriate form of "to be" (in this case, "were") followed by the past participle of the main verb ("told") and the preposition "by" to indicate the doer of the action ("Mike"). The subject of the active sentence ("us") becomes the recipient of the passive sentence.

3. Sasha was shown their house by the Garretts.
Using "was" as the appropriate form of "to be," we follow it with the past participle of the main verb ("shown") and the preposition "by" to indicate the doer of the action ("the Garretts"). The subject of the active sentence ("Sasha") becomes the recipient of the passive sentence.

4. Natalie was promised a new car by Father.
Once again, we use "was" as the appropriate form of "to be," followed by the past participle of the main verb ("promised") and the preposition "by" to indicate the doer of the action ("Father"). The subject of the active sentence ("Natalie") becomes the recipient of the passive sentence.

In each case, we transform the active sentence into the passive by changing the subject of the active sentence into the recipient of the passive sentence and identifying the doer of the action with the preposition "by." Additionally, the main verb is changed to its past participle form.
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