TASK 3. Find the English equivalents in the text: слишком много, разговорчивый, смелый (авантюрный), бодрый (веселый), всемирно предпочитаемый, внушать спокойствие, хороший выбор, подавлять аппетит, чувствовать себя отдохнувшим и посвежевшим, рабочая зона, впечатление чистоты, сочетание цветов, полагаться на собственный вкус, любимый цвет.

alisatcheredinp0805h alisatcheredinp0805h    1   18.10.2020 05:07    53

AlexUnderNewSky AlexUnderNewSky  17.11.2020 05:07

too much, talkative, bold (adventurous), brisk (cheerful), internationally preferred, instill calm, good choice, suppress appetite, feel refreshed and refreshed, work area, clean impression, color combination, rely on your own taste, favorite color.

svitlanatopp08vqs svitlanatopp08vqs  19.01.2024 11:05
TASK 3. Find the English equivalents in the text:

1. слишком много - too much
Explanation: "слишком много" means an excessive amount or quantity of something.

2. разговорчивый - talkative
Explanation: "разговорчивый" refers to a person who talks a lot or is chatty.

3. смелый (авантюрный) - adventurous
Explanation: "смелый" means bold or courageous, and "авантюрный" means adventurous. Together they can be translated as "adventurous".

4. бодрый (веселый) - cheerful
Explanation: "бодрый" means lively or energetic, and "веселый" means happy. Together they can be translated as "cheerful".

5. всемирно предпочитаемый - universally preferred
Explanation: "всемирно" means globally or universally, and "предпочитаемый" means preferred. Together they can be translated as "universally preferred".

6. внушать спокойствие - instill calmness
Explanation: "внушать" means to inspire or instill, and "спокойствие" means calmness. Together they can be translated as "instill calmness".

7. хороший выбор - good choice
Explanation: "хороший" means good, and "выбор" means choice. Together they can be translated as "good choice".

8. подавлять аппетит - suppress appetite
Explanation: "подавлять" means to suppress or inhibit, and "аппетит" means appetite. Together they can be translated as "suppress appetite".

9. чувствовать себя отдохнувшим и посвежевшим - feel refreshed and rejuvenated
Explanation: "чувствовать себя" means to feel, "отдохнувшим" means rested, and "посвежевшим" means refreshed. Together they can be translated as "feel refreshed and rejuvenated".

10. рабочая зона - workspace
Explanation: "рабочая" means working or work-related, and "зона" means zone or area. Together they can be translated as "workspace".

11. впечатление чистоты - impression of cleanliness
Explanation: "впечатление" means impression, and "чистоты" means cleanliness. Together they can be translated as "impression of cleanliness".

12. сочетание цветов - combination of colors
Explanation: "сочетание" means combination, and "цветов" means colors. Together they can be translated as "combination of colors".

13. полагаться на собственный вкус - rely on one's own taste
Explanation: "полагаться на" means to rely on, "собственный" means own or personal, and "вкус" means taste. Together they can be translated as "rely on one's own taste".

14. любимый цвет - favorite color
Explanation: "любимый" means favorite, and "цвет" means color. Together they can be translated as "favorite color".
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