Task 2. Translate into Kazakh or Russian

a college graduate
just a beginner
to be fond of smth;
to be eager
to be against

Conversational Phrases

Why, yes of course.
By all means.
That’d be lovely.
I’d be glad to. How nice of you. It (certainly) is.

By no means.
Far from it.
I’m afraid I don’t agree.
I think you’re mistaken. Just the other way round.
I’d like to say yes, but...
I’m awfully sorry but you see...

Task 3. Write about…
Describe the house of your dreams

Magia33 Magia33    1   30.05.2020 12:37    4

homonorolla homonorolla  15.10.2020 11:04

Task 2

a college graduate - выпускник колледжа

just a beginner - только начинающий

former - бывший

companion - товарищ

jolly - весёлый

well-bred - воспитанный

naughty - капризный

to be fond of smth - интересоваться чем-либо

to be eager - быть нетерпеливым; страстно желать чего-либо

to be against - быть против

peace - мир

Agreement (согласие)

Sure - конечно

Why, yes of course - почему, да конечно

By all means - любым

That'd be lovely - было бы прекрасно

I'd be glad to - Я бы с радостью...

How nice of you - как мило с вашей стороны

It (certainly) is - эио определённо так

Diagreement (несогласие)

By no means - ни в коем случае

Far from it - отнюдь не... ; ничуть

I'm afraid I don't agree - боюсь я не согласен

I think you're mistaken - думаю ты ошибаешься

Just the other way round - как раз наоборот

I'd like to say yes, but... - Я бы хотел сказать да, но...

I'm awfully sorry but you see... - Мне ужасно жаль, но как видите...

Task 3.

If I had a house of my dream, it would be big enough. There would be all modern conveniences and modern technical equipment, so that it would be really nice to live there. I would have a big garden behind the house, also I would have a swimming pool because I love swimming. And, of course, I would like the house to be in a quiet and peaceful place, where no other houses would be.

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