Task 2. Read the text and answer the following questions. 1. How old was Arthur Conan Doyle when he started studying at a Jesuit school?
2. What was Arthur Conan Doyle's first job?
3. How many books about Sherlock Holmes did Arthur Conan Doyle write
4. How many daughters did Arthur Conan Doyle have?
5. What was the last book about Sherlock Holmes?

Task 2. Read the text and answer the following questions. 1. How old was Arthur Conan Doyle when he

PolinaCartonova PolinaCartonova    2   05.02.2021 14:57    19

RinOkumura99 RinOkumura99  05.02.2021 15:00

1 Read the text and answer the following questions.

1 How old was Arthur Conan Doyle when he started studying at a Jesuit school? he was nine years old

2 Who was the inspiration for the character of Sherlock Holmes? Professor Dr. Joseph Bell

3 What was Arthur Conan Doyle's first job? he worked as a doctor aboard Mayumba, a ship travelling from Liverpool to Africa

4 How many books about Sherlock Holmes did Arthur Conan Doyle write? about sixty

5 How many daughters did Arthur Conan Doyle have? two (one with Louisa Hawkins and one with Jean Leckie)

6 What does Professor Challenger find in South America? living prehistoric animals

7 What was the last book about Sherlock Holmes? The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes

2) Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1 Arthur Conan Doyle came from a poor family. F (his parents were rich)

2 Doyle's father had some problems with drinking. T

3 Doyle's mother liked books and told her son interesting stories. T

4 Doyle went to university with other famous writers. T

5 The Sign of Four was the first book about Sherlock Holmes. F (A Study in Scarlet was the first Sherlock Holmes book)

6 Doyle's second wife died of tuberculosis. F (his first wife died of tuberculosis)

7 Arthur Conan Doyle wrote some books about spiritualism. T

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