Task 2 Read the film review and write the name of the film (прочитайте описание фильма и догадайтесь о каком фильме идет речь) Guess the film
It is a fantasy movie. It takes place in different worlds. It is a story of the world-famous neurosurgeon. His life changes forever after a terrible car accident. He loses his hands. When traditional medicine can’t help him, he looks for healing in a mysterious place Kamar-Taj. He quickly learns that this is not just a center for healing but also the front line of a battle against dark forces. It stars Benedict Cumberbatch.
It is a fantasy movie. It takes place in a magic school. Daniel Radcliffe is in it. A young boy learns that he is the son of magicians. He goes to a Magic School, where he learns to play a sports game quiddich, flies with a sweeper and plays chess to meet Dark Lord who wants to kill him.
It is a drama movie. It has Richard Gere. It takes place in Tokyo, Japan. It is about a professor who adopted a dog. They became very close friends. The dog walked his owner till the train station and back every day at the same time. One day the professor didn’t return from work. He died unexpectedly. But the dog kept going to the train station during ten years of its living.