Task 2. Письменно. Find English equivalents for the following words and word combinations: Выдающийся французский химик, основатель современной микробиологии, посвятил свою энергию, открытие микроорганизмов, стерилизация жаром, заинтересоваться, патогенные свойства, могут быть ослаблены, на основе этих наблюдений, разработал метод предотвращения инфекционных заболеваний.

элизабет17471 элизабет17471    1   26.01.2021 10:49    65

оля2044 оля2044  18.01.2024 00:19
Sure! Let's start with finding English equivalents for the given words and word combinations. I will provide a detailed explanation of each term to ensure that it is clear for the student.

1. Выдающийся французский химик (Outstanding French chemist):
An exceptional scientist from France who has made significant contributions to the field of chemistry.

2. Основатель современной микробиологии (Founder of modern microbiology):
The person who established the basis for the study of microorganisms and laid the foundation for the current field of microbiology.

3. Посвятил свою энергию (Dedicated his energy):
Devoted a significant amount of time and effort to a particular task or field, in this case, the study of microorganisms.

4. Открытие микроорганизмов (Discovery of microorganisms):
The identification and acknowledgement of tiny living organisms that are not visible to the naked eye.

5. Стерилизация жаром (Heat sterilization):
The process of using high temperatures, usually through heat, to eliminate or destroy microorganisms from a particular object or surface.

6. Заинтересоваться (Become interested in):
To develop an interest or curiosity in a particular subject or topic.

7. Патогенные свойства (Pathogenic properties):
The characteristics or qualities of a microorganism that allow it to cause harm or disease in living organisms.

8. Могут быть ослаблены (Can be weakened):
The ability for certain traits or characteristics, in this case, the pathogenic properties of microorganisms, to be reduced or diminished in strength or severity.

9. На основе этих наблюдений (Based on these observations):
Taking into consideration the information gained from studying and observing the subject matter, in this case, microorganisms.

10. Разработал метод предотвращения инфекционных заболеваний (Developed a method for preventing infectious diseases):
Created a technique or approach to hinder or minimize the spread of diseases caused by microorganisms.

I hope this detailed explanation helps in understanding the English equivalents for the provided words and word combinations.
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