Task 2. Complete the sentences with the right word from the table. Two words are odd! (Закончите предложения верным словом из рамочки. Два слова лишние!) furry sense of humour passion capture earn demanding aiming for miming overtime good shape average still

8) It’s rather difficult to a living as an artist.

9) Anna has to work tonight to finish the project.

10) Bibigul got a really cute cat as a present from her grandparents.

11) My cousin isn’t a (an) teenager, she’s a really generous musician!

12) Her job demands a (an) to make the children smile and be tolerant.

13) You need to be in a (an) to work as a police officer.

14) My uncle is so happy: his became his job!

15) Being a surgeon is a very difficult and job.

16) Leo is very good at , so in summer he takes a part-time job as an animator.

17) Samantha is very confident now because she knows where she is and what goals she has.

Katellil3 Katellil3    2   13.05.2021 13:18    2

Kristina17217 Kristina17217  13.05.2021 13:20

8) earn

9) overtime

10) furry

11) an average

12) a sense of humour

13) a good shape

14) passion

15) demanding

16) miming

17) aiming for

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