Task 2 annwer the following questions1. what is the basic police mission? 2. how did the police force as law enforcement organisation ariseand develop? 3. why did the quality of the constables in england decline? 4. how were policing functions performed in france? 5. what was the form of policing london in the 17" century? 6. why was there a need for a more effective force to deal withcriminals in england? 7. what factors brought about the establishment of the metropolitanpolice force? 8. what principles were the british police guided by? 9. why did the metropolitan police force become the model for otherpolice forces in britain and abroad? 10. why is the development of the british police system especialsignificant? task 3. find in the text above the english equivalents for the following wordsand expressions1. дебаты в парламенте2. обеспечивать соблюдение правил поведения3. основная полиции (2)4. оставаться в силе5. платный осведомитель6. нести полицейскую службу7. преступности8. раскрывать преступления9. сдерживать рост преступности10. следить за соблюдением законов​

Аминаgjdhkutdf Аминаgjdhkutdf    3   12.04.2019 14:59    1388

Brilliana1999 Brilliana1999  18.01.2024 10:04
1. The basic police mission is to maintain public order, prevent and detect crime, and protect and assist the community.
2. The police force as a law enforcement organization arose and developed through the need for maintaining law and order within a society. As communities grew, there was a need for a system to enforce laws and ensure public safety. This led to the establishment of organized police forces that were responsible for keeping peace and enforcing laws.
3. The quality of constables in England declined due to various factors. One of the reasons was the low pay and lack of incentives for individuals to join the police force. This resulted in attracting individuals who were not necessarily motivated or qualified for the job. Additionally, corruption and lack of proper training also contributed to the decline in the quality of constables.
4. Policing functions in France were performed by a system known as the Maréchaussée. It was a militarized police force that existed to maintain law and order, prevent crime, and uphold the authority of the crown. The Maréchaussée had jurisdiction over rural areas and was responsible for maintaining public safety and enforcing laws.
5. Policing in London in the 17th century took the form of a night watch system. The city was divided into different wards, and citizens were required to take turns serving as night watchmen to ensure the safety of the community during the night.
6. There was a need for a more effective force to deal with criminals in England due to the increasing rates of crime and the inefficiency of the existing policing system. The existing system relied heavily on citizen volunteers who were not properly trained or equipped to effectively combat crime. As a result, criminal activities were on the rise, and there was a need for a more professional and proactive approach in dealing with criminals.
7. The establishment of the Metropolitan Police Force in London was brought about by various factors. One of the key factors was the rising crime rates and the need for a centralized and professional police force to address the issue. The influence of social reformers and the growing public concern for safety and order also played a role in the establishment of the force.
8. The British police were guided by principles such as the prevention of crime, protection of life and property, impartiality, accountability, and community engagement. These principles formed the basis for the functioning and jurisdiction of the police force.
9. The Metropolitan Police Force became the model for other police forces in Britain and abroad due to its effectiveness in addressing crime and maintaining public order. The principles and practices established by the force were seen as successful in reducing crime rates and contributing to the overall safety and well-being of the community.
10. The development of the British police system is particularly significant because it laid the foundation for modern policing systems worldwide. The establishment of a professional and centralized police force in Britain set an example for other countries, leading to the adoption of similar policing structures and practices globally.

Task 3:
1. debates in Parliament - дебаты в парламенте
2. ensure compliance with rules of conduct - обеспечивать соблюдение правил поведения
3. basic police - основная полиция
4. remain in force - оставаться в силе
5. paid informant - платный осведомитель
6. carry out police duties - нести полицейскую службу
7. crime - преступность
8. solve crimes - раскрывать преступления
9. curb crime rates - сдерживать рост преступности
10. enforce laws - следить за соблюдением законов
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