Task 18. Countable or uncountable? Put these words in the right list. Use your dictionary if necessary. (Countable nouns can be used with a/an, and have plurals. Uncountable nouns cannot be used with a/an, and have no plurals). fridge, heat, water, vinegar, rabbit, metal, knee, leather, fun, rice, thunderstorm, vegetable, milk, information, nut, apple, advice, tomato, wine, bread, sweet, potato, grass, free, bird, bush, lion, onion, leg, dust, lemon, air, territory, country, planet, leaf, fruit, root, person, animal, weather, glass, money, hair, difference, education, house, piano, luggage, news.
Countable nouns: cooker, idea, berry ...
Uncountable nouns: meat, intelligence, music ...
Task 19. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the use of modal verbs.
1. She can speak two foreign languages.
2. When he was a child he could play the piano very well.
3. I can’t drink my tea, it’s too hot!
4. You may take a day off, if you are tired.
5. May I have my test next week?
6. I can’t understand anything in this report.
7. It’s 11 o’clock, you must go to bed at once.
8. On some farms people must clean their shoes before theycome into the barn.
9. I have to leave now because I have a lot of work to do athome.
10. He had to work hard last year as he needed a lot of money for his large family.
11. They will have to translate the whole text to understand the meaning of it.
12. You may come a little later tomorrow.
13.Ican hear some noise outside.
14. Must I ring him up today? — No, you needn’t, you may do it tomorrow.
15. You have to go and tell him everything now.
Task 20. Fill in: can, can’t, must, mustn’t.
1. You ... feed the monkeys but you ... feed the lions.
2. You ... put your hands in the cages. It’s dangerous.
3. You ... always be very careful.
4. You ... take pictures if you want to. You ... also buy souvenirs from the zoo shop.
5. You ... keep the place clean and tidy.
6. You ... make noise. It upsets the animals.
7. You ... step on the grass. Keep to the path.
Task21. Use “must” or “have to” (in its correct form). Sometimes it is possible to use either.
1. You really ... work harder if you want to pass examination.
2. Many children in Britain ... wear uniform when they go to school.
3. Last night our dog suddenly got ill. We ... call the vet.
4. Ann ... wear glasses since she was 8 years old.
5. I’m afraid, I can’t come tomorrow. I... work late.
6. I’m sorry, I couldn’t come yesterday. I... work late.
7. We couldn’t treat our pet ourselves. We ... take it to the vet.
8. When you come to London again, you ... come and see us.

babedinova babedinova    1   17.10.2020 05:55    60

roma280274 roma280274  23.01.2024 19:09
Task 18:

Countable nouns:

1. fridge - a fridge (singular form)
2. rabbit - a rabbit (singular form)
3. knee - a knee (singular form)
4. leather - a piece of leather (singular form)
5. rice - a bowl/serving of rice (singular form)
6. vegetable - a vegetable (singular form)
7. nut - a nut (singular form)
8. apple - an apple (singular form)
9. tomato - a tomato (singular form)
10. bread - a loaf of bread (singular form)
11. sweet - a sweet (singular form)
12. potato - a potato (singular form)
13. free - a free (singular form)
14. bird - a bird (singular form)
15. bush - a bush (singular form)
16. lion - a lion (singular form)
17. onion - an onion (singular form)
18. leg - a leg (singular form)
19. lemon - a lemon (singular form)
20. territory - a territory (singular form)
21. country - a country (singular form)
22. planet - a planet (singular form)
23. leaf - a leaf (singular form)
24. fruit - a piece of fruit (singular form)
25. root - a root (singular form)
26. person - a person (singular form)
27. animal - an animal (singular form)
28. glass - a glass (singular form)
29. hair - a strand of hair (singular form)
30. difference - a difference (singular form)
31. education - an education (singular form)
32. house - a house (singular form)
33. piano - a piano (singular form)
34. luggage - a piece of luggage (singular form)
35. news - a piece of news (singular form)

Uncountable nouns:

1. heat - heat (uncountable)
2. water - water (uncountable)
3. vinegar - vinegar (uncountable)
4. metal - metal (uncountable)
5. fun - fun (uncountable)
6. thunderstorm - thunderstorm (uncountable)
7. milk - milk (uncountable)
8. information - information (uncountable)
9. bread - bread (uncountable)
10. grass - grass (uncountable)
11. air - air (uncountable)
12. weather - weather (uncountable)
13. money - money (uncountable)

Task 19:

1. She can speak two foreign languages. - Она может говорить на двух иностранных языках. (Using "can" to express ability)

2. When he was a child he could play the piano very well. - Когда он был ребенком, он мог играть на пианино очень хорошо. (Using "could" to indicate past ability)

3. I can't drink my tea, it's too hot! - Я не могу пить мой чай, он слишком горячий! (Using "can't" to express inability)

4. You may take a day off, if you are tired. - Ты можешь взять выходной день, если устал. (Using "may" to give permission)

5. May I have my test next week? - Могу ли я сдать тест на следующей неделе? (Using "may" to ask for permission)

6. I can't understand anything in this report. - Я не могу понять ничего в этом отчете. (Using "can't" to express inability)

7. It's 11 o'clock, you must go to bed at once. - Это 11 часов, ты должен сразу лечь спать. (Using "must" to express obligation)

8. On some farms people must clean their shoes before they come into the barn. - На некоторых фермах люди должны вытирать свою обувь перед тем, как заходить в амбар. (Using "must" to express obligation)

9. I have to leave now because I have a lot of work to do at home. - Я должен уйти сейчас, потому что у меня много работы дома. (Using "have to" to express obligation)

10. He had to work hard last year as he needed a lot of money for his large family. - Он должен был много работать в прошлом году, так как ему было нужно много денег для своей большой семьи. (Using "had to" to express past obligation)

11. They will have to translate the whole text to understand the meaning of it. - Они должны будут перевести весь текст, чтобы понять его значение. (Using "will have to" to express future obligation)

12. You may come a little later tomorrow. - Ты можешь прийти немного позже завтра. (Using "may" to give permission)

13. I can hear some noise outside. - Я слышу какой-то шум снаружи. (Using "can" to express ability)

14. Must I ring him up today? - Нужно ли мне позвонить ему сегодня? (Using "must" to ask for confirmation)

15. You have to go and tell him everything now. - Ты должен пойти и сказать ему все сейчас. (Using "have to" to express obligation)

Task 20:

1. You can feed the monkeys but you can't feed the lions. - Ты можешь кормить обезьян, но ты не можешь кормить львов.

2. You mustn't put your hands in the cages. It's dangerous. - Ты не должен класть руки в клетки. Это опасно.

3. You must always be very careful. - Ты всегда должен быть очень осторожен.

4. You can take pictures if you want to. You can also buy souvenirs from the zoo shop. - Ты можешь фотографировать, если хочешь. Ты также можешь купить сувениры в магазине зоопарка.

5. You must keep the place clean and tidy. - Ты должен поддерживать место в чистоте и порядке.

6. You mustn't make noise. It upsets the animals. - Ты не должен шуметь. Это расстраивает животных.

7. You mustn't step on the grass. Keep to the path. - Ты не должен наступать на траву. Следуй по тропинке.

Task 21:

1. You really must work harder if you want to pass the examination. - Тебе действительно нужно работать усерднее, если хочешь сдать экзамен. (Using "must" to express necessity)

2. Many children in Britain have to wear a uniform when they go to school. - Многие дети в Британии должны носить форму, когда идут в школу. (Using "have to" to express obligation)

3. Last night our dog suddenly got ill. We had to call the vet. - Вчера вечером наша собака внезапно заболела. Нам пришлось вызвать ветеринара. (Using "had to" to express past obligation)

4. Ann has to wear glasses since she was 8 years old. - Анна должна носить очки с тех пор, как ей было 8 лет. (Using "has to" to express ongoing obligation)

5. I'm afraid, I can't come tomorrow. I must work late. - Боюсь, я не могу прийти завтра. Я должен работать допоздна. (Using "must" to express necessity)

6. I'm sorry, I couldn't come yesterday. I had to work late. - Извините, я не смог прийти вчера. Мне пришлось работать допоздна. (Using "had to" to express past obligation)

7. We couldn't treat our pet ourselves. We had to take it to the vet. - Мы не могли лечить свое домашнее животное сами. Нам пришлось отвезти его к ветеринару. (Using "had to" to express past obligation)

8. When you come to London again, you must come and see us. - Когда ты снова приедешь в Лондон, ты должен прийти и навестить нас. (Using "must" to express necessity)
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