Task 1 Выберите правильное окончание предложения 1. Once upon a time there lived...
а) two cats; b) three mice; с) two dogs; d) two mice;
2. One of them lived…
a) in a big village; b) in a small city; c) in a big city; d) in a small village.
3. One day Maggy decided to visit…
a) her mother; b) her friend; c) her teacher; d) her sister.
4. She went to the city…
a) by train; b) by plain; с) by car; d) by ship.
5. Maggy got to Minny’s house...
a) by car;
b) by trolley-bus; c) by tram; d) by bus.
6. Minny said it was nice to live...
a) in the village; b) in the house; c) in the flat; d) in the city.
7. There was...
a) a little black cat in the house; b) a big black dog in the house;
c) a big black cat in the house; d) a big white cat in the house.
8. They decided to buy...
a) a radio-set; b) an arm-chair; c) a TV-set; d) a sofa.
9. They went...
a) to the shop; b) to the hospital; c) to school; d) to the library.

farhinura10009 farhinura10009    2   09.12.2020 14:35    275

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