Task 1. Read the texts and match them with the titles. There is one extra title.

This text deals with

1. Tomorrow's vegetables.

2. Environment in danger.

3. Additions to your food.

4. Genetically modified food.

5. Fast food.

6. Unhealthy eating habits.

A. Fast food and packaging come together. When you have eaten the beef burger, you throw away the packaging and somebody will then burn or bury it. This is clearly a problem. Fast food also contributes to global warming. In Brazil, 12 million acres of forest were cut down to build farms. Farmers use this land to grow soya beans and soya is given to the cows that become the beefin your beefburger. Fewer forests mean more

global warming.

B Traditional methods of cooking and eating are disappearing, and are being replaced by fast food and ready-prepared meals. As a result, people today (especially children) have too much sugar, too many sweet drinks, too much white bread. This makes people's level of blood glucose go up, causing tiredness, nervousness and headaches. Among schoolchildren it can also cause low concentration and bad behavior,

C. A lot of fast food contains ingredients that have been changed by scientists to be different: the tomatoes in the tomato sauce, the flour in the bread, How is it possible that you can buy a bright red tomato in Moscow, that comes from Cyprus, that is still fresh after four weeks? But the changes are not always bad. Some plants can be modified to provide more vitamin C, for example.

D. Not many children like vegetables. It has been proved thet eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illness in later life. So yesterday chocolate- flavoured carrots went on sale in Britain as part of a campaign to encourage children to eat vegetables. The range of products also includes cheese-and-onion flavoured cauliflower, pizza-flavoured sweeetcorn, and peas that taste like chewing-gum.

E. You should expect to find a lot of chemical ingredients in fast food. None of them are good for your health, but not all ofthem are bad. Chlorine is used to make bread white. Cochineal (made from dried insects) is used to make things red. However, more research is needed to find out exactly how these chemicals will affect our health in years to come.

A: (цифра темы)
B: (цифра темы)
C: (цифра темы)
D: (цифра темы)
E: (цифра темы)

bogdanzdebskiy bogdanzdebskiy    2   17.12.2020 13:12    24

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