Task 1. Read the text Прочитай и переведи текст

My Ideal Place to Live

My ideal place to live is in a small town in the countryside. My house isn’t too small and it isn’t too big. Downstairs, there is large living room with a huge, modern TV where the whole family can relax. My bedroom is upstairs and it has a great view of our beautiful garden. My ideal neighbourhood has got tree-lined streets and parks, but it also has shops and a few lively places like a cinema and a cool café to hang out with my friends. There is a baker's nearby so we can buy fresh bread every morning. The local people are friendly and don’t mind helping each other out. This is my ideal place to live because it’s a pretty, cosy place and everything you need is nearby!

answer the questions ответь на во Закончи предложения, следующими словами

● florist`s ● library ● jewelers ● supermarket

1. А shop where you can buy meat -

2. А place with many books you can borrow-

3. А shop where you can buy watches, rings, necklaces and earrings-

4. А shop where you can buy flowers-

Task 3. Напиши, как расположенны следующие объекты, относительно друг другу, используя предлоги места


Bank / Chinese restaurant

The Bank is next to the Chinese restaurant

- park / the swimming pool

-the movie theatre / newsstand

-the post office/ Italian restaurant

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сакуру3356 сакуру3356    1   06.05.2020 08:26    3

маринчик18 маринчик18  05.08.2020 12:52


Task 1

1. My ideal place to live is in a small town in the countryside

2. My ideal neighborhood has got tree lined streets and parks

3. They're friendly and don't mind helping each other out